Positive Chick
I have a favorite fishing pond a long walk from my home. I found a goose nest and stepped away to continue around the pond fishing just in case momma was around. I threw a few casts while walking around the pond and noticed a trail of feathers into the wood line. It appeared a predator had gotten the goose. I fished for a couple of hours and never saw any geese, so I gathered the 5 eggs and returned home. I placed them in the incubator and now they have hatched. I put them in with ducklings that hatched a week or so ago, the ducklings are the same size and no one is picking on anyone. But they are acting cold...I placed a red heat lamp above their brooder with the ducks, and gave them a "pool". I figured the ducks would teach them how to swim or bathe but they are not interested. I feel awful for them....they are wild, and truly i never thought they would hatch. Being the bird lover I am I wanted to at least give them a chance of life. 3 out of 5 came to life and I gave them a stuffed animal for a "momma". Is there anything else to comfort them? Any suggestions, Tips, or Tricks? Have never raised geese!!!!!!help!!!!!