Wildlife Photography

Tufted Titmouse
I tried the suggestion to change aperture to f8 but I didn't have enough light so my settings for this one were
1/1600 sec at f5.6 640 ISO 200mm.

It is much sharper than the Cardinal I posted a few days ago that I took at f4.

I expect the tail of the bird would have come into focus at f8 but wanted to keep my shutter speed up because these little guys are fast. Ill try f8 on a brighter day.
View attachment 3397949
That’s so sharp! The titmice at my place won’t come within 50 feet of anyone. I was going to try f8, too, but had the same problem:rolleyes:. Come on light, show yourself!
I’m totally going to make one of those now!



I sadly forgot to turn the shutter speed up again when it moved into the light so this picture was deathly overexposed and is a little blurry:
That’s so sharp! The titmice at my place won’t come within 50 feet of anyone. I was going to try f8, too, but had the same problem:rolleyes:. Come on light, show yourself!

I’m totally going to make one of those now!

View attachment 3406374

View attachment 3406375

I sadly forgot to turn the shutter speed up again when it moved into the light so this picture was deathly overexposed and is a little blurry:
View attachment 3406376
The issue I'm having with f8 is I like the narrower depth of field with f4. The birds stand off the background better. At f8 I'm seeing branches or other objects behind the bird. Also harder this time of year to have enough light. It's a fun challenge to try different settings. Your bird pictures are really sharp. It's the woodpeckers I can't get close enough to.

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