Free Ranging
My sister's red cattle dog was a notorious fence jumper. To curb his enthusiam they tied him to a tyre rim when going out. He soon built the muscle to haul the tyre And jump the fence. The neighbour's, luckliy at home, saved him from hanging himself.This is not farm dog related but is about a dog on a long lead. One day (35years ago) my daughter comes home saying zeek was hanging out the window (zeek was a shepherd), I just thought she meant looking out the window. A couple minutes later she comes back and says zeek is not moving anymore so I run over and find zeek jumped through the screen and was hang by his lead. I did get him un-hooked and he slowly gasped for air and saved him. Zeek was the neighbor 2 houses down dog who they tied in the house so he couldn't get to certain areas.
A goat on a property I agisted my horses on was tied to a huge truck rim. He still pulled it all around the place, needing to be rescued at least weekly from some entanglement or another..