Lots of cafe shachor for you!! he-he
Easy for you and exhausting for her? Go to a friend's apt. go to the stairwell and toss the ball down the stairs so she can bring it up. You sit still - she gets tired.
There are days when I tell my little one "Nava - Ima is tired right now - let's play in a little while after Ima has a little rest" Sometimes I'm quite sure that she and our 5 mo old terrier pup are sharing crack!
I'm not a single mom, but after 10 hours or so on my own w/her while he is working.....ya - I get tired! It feels awful because we just want all the little ones in our lives (human, dog, chicken, whatever) to be the happiest they can be and we set ourselves up to be totally responsible for that. No easy task! Forgive yourself for not being the queen of energy every minute - none of us are or can be...and unless I miss my guess...Ellah forgave you before you even posted.
Easy for you and exhausting for her? Go to a friend's apt. go to the stairwell and toss the ball down the stairs so she can bring it up. You sit still - she gets tired.

There are days when I tell my little one "Nava - Ima is tired right now - let's play in a little while after Ima has a little rest" Sometimes I'm quite sure that she and our 5 mo old terrier pup are sharing crack!