Will hatched chicks damage other eggs?

I have 9 babies! I hatched them out of my own eggs, so they are all mixed breeds. A lot of them look like my spitzhaubens when they were babies, I have 2 of them for roosters no hens though..., but a few of them have fuzzy feet, like my Cochin rooster.
Can a hens egg be fertilized by more than one rooster?

No, that is not possible. The way the DNA works, it has to be one rooster for each egg. Different roosters can fertilize different eggs from the same hen, but not the same egg.
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I have 9 babies! I hatched them out of my own eggs, so they are all mixed breeds. A lot of them look like my spitzhaubens when they were babies, I have 2 of them for roosters no hens though..., but a few of them have fuzzy feet, like my Cochin rooster.
Can a hens egg be fertilized by more than one rooster?

I have 4 more eggs, they haven't done anything yet but I'm hoping they are just a little late, they were all well alive on day 18 when I last candled them before lockdown

I should also mention I had to open the bator 2 times to readjust pipping eggs, while doing that if there were shells near by I quick snatched those out. The humid stayed pretty steady between 65 and 70 both times and hasn't drastically changed at all.

I asked that question to someone the other day about can the chicks have 2 dads. I was told the dominant roosters sperm will kill the other roosters sperm. Not sure if it is true or not.
Can a hens egg be fertilized by more than one rooster?

I asked that question to someone the other day about can the chicks have 2 dads. I was told the dominant roosters sperm will kill the other roosters sperm. Not sure if it is true or not.

No, the dominant rooster's sperm will not kill the other rooster's sperm. It’s amazing how these myths take off. What happens, at the end of a chicken mating ritual, the hen fluffs up and shakes. This gets the sperm into a special container near where the egg starts its journey through the hen’s internal egg making factory. The yolk is fertilized during the first few minutes of that journey.

That container operates on a last in-first out basis. The sperm from the last rooster she mated with will be on top and will almost certainly be the father of the chick. It doesn’t matter if that rooster is dominant or not dominant. It’s just whichever happens to be the last one.

There is also a myth prevalent on here that the dominant rooster is the only rooster that mates with hens. That is a myth. The dominant rooster will usually not permit another rooster to mate in his presence, but there is a lot going on that the dominant rooster doesn’t see.
No, the dominant rooster's sperm will not kill the other rooster's sperm. It’s amazing how these myths take off. What happens, at the end of a chicken mating ritual, the hen fluffs up and shakes. This gets the sperm into a special container near where the egg starts its journey through the hen’s internal egg making factory. The yolk is fertilized during the first few minutes of that journey.

That container operates on a last in-first out basis. The sperm from the last rooster she mated with will be on top and will almost certainly be the father of the chick. It doesn’t matter if that rooster is dominant or not dominant. It’s just whichever happens to be the last one.

There is also a myth prevalent on here that the dominant rooster is the only rooster that mates with hens. That is a myth. The dominant rooster will usually not permit another rooster to mate in his presence, but there is a lot going on that the dominant rooster doesn’t see.

I didn't think that sperm could kill each other, However I do have 2 roosters mating with 2 hens, and will be checking this coming month to see who the daddy is. They breed with the white rooster in the evenings and during the day time with my other rooster if he can catch them so I will be checking to see which one is mating more.
So far I have 9babies. One more pip. And 3 eggs not even rocking. I will be happy with 10 out of 13. To me that's a pretty decent hatch rate. And I omonly had to toss one egg in the beginning, it must not have been fertilized.
Some of these chicks do have 5 toes though, so I know they are part silkie. It makes me kind of sad, haha. I am not a silkie fan, and only have 2 hens because I rescued them, or being a predators meal would have been their fate.
Most of the chicks are black/gray and look a lot like my spitzhaubens as babies. I do have 2 chipmunk babies, and have no idea what they came from.
They didn't hatch out of my green eggs so they aren't easter egg mixes.
All I have for chickens that could be the moms are 2 black bantam Cochin, a fee Rhode island reds, my silkies, a dominique, golden sebrights, and a red Pyle hen.we also have a hen, we got her from an auction and have no idea what she is. She has the pattern of a barred rock, but is brown, with gray, and has white on her tail. Brown being her dominant color. So maybe she was a chipmunk as a baby! Who knows. I can't wait to see what these guys look like grown up!

Here is a picture of the current one that's doing anything. Since the last time I have posted it has gotten a big hole, and then another one in the side.
Very soon I will have another baby!
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here are the first chicks that hatched. 99% dried off. They were making such a loud ruckus in the incubator I took them out. They are already drinking and found the food. Running around like little healthy buggers. There are still 2 in the incubator drying plus the one trying to free itself from the egg.
I've had 3 cochin chicks hatch yesterday. While they were hatching there were at least 5 of 11 others doing the rocking chick dance inside their shell with no pippin at the time. After a bit of tackle football with the newly hatched chicks the unhatched eggs got rolled around a bit.i decided to put a partition between hatched chicks and the other eggs to limit the activity of the unhatched eggs. It's been 16 hours and there has been no more movement with the unhatched eggs since. This is my 1st time at this and I'm afraid the others may have died. I'll continue to wait a couple more days. Has anyone else had this happen and if so what was the outcome.

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