Will her feathers grow back?

Sep 10, 2021
I have a Buff Orpington hen who has been over mated this spring by an immature rooster. The rooster was rehomed, but this hen's feathers still haven't grown back. I'm concerned for her ability to stay warm this winter. Will these feathers ever grow back? Should I be doing something else for her? I have a lot of my flock molting right now so there are a number of hens missing feathers, but I don't see any new feather growth on her. What should I do to help her?
Poor baby!!! Yes, I’m fairly certain they’ll grow back. I don’t know how long it will take though. Is she molting too?
It looks a little inflamed like the others may be picking the new feathers as they come in. It can be common for a young cockerel or rooster to over-mate certain hens if they are his favorites or just more willing. In my first flock, about 5 of mine were barebacked at the age of one. They did not regrow feathers until they molted at about 18 months old. Until then, I made some no-sew hen saddles similar to these:

I made mine from polar fleece, and started with a 7x9 inch rectangle. I made 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch slits for the wings to go through which holds it on. Then I trimmed the excess to fit each hen. They freak out a bit when they first see a hen with one on, but the quickly get over it.
It looks a little inflamed like the others may be picking the new feathers as they come in. It can be common for a young cockerel or rooster to over-mate certain hens if they are his favorites or just more willing. In my first flock, about 5 of mine were barebacked at the age of one. They did not regrow feathers until they molted at about 18 months old. Until then, I made some no-sew hen saddles similar to these:

I made mine from polar fleece, and started with a 7x9 inch rectangle. I made 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch slits for the wings to go through which holds it on. Then I trimmed the excess to fit each hen. They freak out a bit when they first see a hen with one on, but the quickly get over it.
Thank you, I'll try it 😊
View attachment 3967745I have a Buff Orpington hen who has been over mated this spring by an immature rooster. The rooster was rehomed, but this hen's feathers still haven't grown back. I'm concerned for her ability to stay warm this winter. Will these feathers ever grow back? Should I be doing something else for her? I have a lot of my flock molting right now so there are a number of hens missing feathers, but I don't see any new feather growth on her. What should I do to help her?
Hi Cookies-Chickens
I have a question. Has your girls feathers grown back yet? I have one with less feathers than yours (lost in the same way a long time ago) but her feathers just won't grow. She has maybe 5 pinfeathers on her back, but they are not growing & sometimes it looks like she loses some of those. We tried a chicken saddle & she went bonkers & tore it off. It's so cold & I'm afraid her back & wings will get frostbite. She's a good layer but her red bare skin is upsetting.
Thanks for re4ading.
Nanook 33

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