Will They Be Okay?


Apr 27, 2015
*Sigh* I've made the decision to leave my chicks outside for the night. I'm terrified something will happen and I need some reasurrance (or the opportunity to run out and gather them up to bring them back inside).

I have 8 of them, all of them are almost completely feathered except one, whos also the smallest, but she's catching up. They will be 6 weeks old on Saturday.

They've been in their coop and run all week during the day, and I've been bringing them back inside to their brooder at night. The heat lamp is almost completely out of the box (I've been moving it up slightly every week and lately some of them have been seen panting, so I had to turn it off for a little while). They LOVE it in their coop (which is 4 foot by 8 foot). As soon as I put them out there in the morning, they flap their wings and run around it. Their food and water intake as pretty much doubled in the last week too.

It was in the high seventies, low eighties all day and the low for the night is sixty one degrees farenheit. Their coop is made of pallets that have hardware cloth attached to the inside. It's pretty sturdy and definatley predator proof. The problem is that it is VERY ventillated because of this and I'm afraid it will get too drafty in there. I'll see if I can find a pic of my coop and post it.

Do you think they will be ok in there for tonight or should I bring them in? I'm a very worried chick mama.

I'm gonna post pictures of my chicks (so you can see their feather development), but keep in mind the pictures are from a week ago so they've obviously grown quite a bit since then (I don't have any recent photos).

I also found a pic of my coop. This is the front side of it, and the door has since been covered in a piece of plywood because I didn't feel it was safe enough.

I know I posted a similar thread a couple day ago, I just need reasurrance from the experts
I have a question. My 8 and 11 week old chicks are in an 8x8 coop with my adult hens. Thy act cold at night. They huddle together and complain. They step all over each other and lay on top of each other. Is this normal? The coop temp is currently 54 degrees with 56% humidity. It rained her all day so humidity is up. But this has been going on since I stopped using heat at night a couple weeks ago.
I have a question. My 8 and 11 week old chicks are in an 8x8 coop with my adult hens. Thy act cold at night. They huddle together and complain. They step all over each other and lay on top of each other. Is this normal? The coop temp is currently 54 degrees with 56% humidity. It rained her all day so humidity is up. But this has been going on since I stopped using heat at night a couple weeks ago.
Completely normal. My dozen are 12 weeks and 14 weeks in a 10 x 12 coop. They still sleep all piled up on top of each other. Mine are so used to cooler temps that when it hits 70 they start panting.
Completely normal. My dozen are 12 weeks and 14 weeks in a 10 x 12 coop. They still sleep all piled up on top of each other. Mine are so used to cooler temps that when it hits 70 they start panting.
Thanks for the reassurance. I am putting up the additional poop board and roosting bars this weekend. Should I just let them go up there when they are ready? When does that usually happen?
They will roost when they are ready. And you really can't force it. But they really like lots of perching room when they are stuck inside on bad weather days.
Yep - one day one will just decide they want to roost and once it starts the rest will follow along and try out this new fangled sleeping arrangement.
Yep - one day one will just decide they want to roost and once it starts the rest will follow along and try out this new fangled sleeping arrangement.
My EE's fly up to the roost and check it out but don't stay there long or get chased off by the big girls. Getting the extra roosting bar up should take care of that.
We are headed for a nasty spring cold front here in Eastern Montana! Low Sunday night will be 31 degrees. Should I supplement with a little heat for my 9 chicks? They sleep on the floor of my 8x8 coop with 7 hens. The youngest are 8 weeks and have been off heat for two weeks. Should I be worried?

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