Will they make fertile eggs?


Premium Feather Member
Nov 8, 2023
Hello everyone! So I have a female call duck and recently she has started laying eggs. I checkedOne of the eggs today and they are fertile. The only thing is she never actually mates with the male call Drake that I have. I’m not there all the time so I surely can’t prove this. There’s another male duck that she really likes and she’s always offering herself to him and I was wondering that if they bred, could he give her fertile eggs or would this have to be my other male call duck?

Any help would be very appreciate! Thank you!
Is this Cheese? Any domestic ducks can have offspring with each other if the male is able to, ehm, do his job. You may be able to tell who the father is if you wanted to hatch out the eggs.
Yes, this does happen be Cheese…😅 thank you! I’m hoping that she’ll keep up laying because I do want to hatch her eggs, but my incubator is so stuffed right now. I do have some ducklings hatching soon though so hopefully that’ll clear up some space but I already have goose eggs on the waitlist.😂
Also if I did hatch her eggs that had a Drake the size of a regular domestic duck and a small duck. What would the ducklings turn out like would they be small or large?

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