Will this be 99% predator proof?

Yes, they got the monkey in Tampa.

I have lived and hunted in Florida my whole life (34 years) and have never seen a weasel.
There are actually two types found in Florida. The south eastern weasel , Mustela frenata olivacea is in more in the panhandle and northern Florida. Pretty much north of Gainesville. The long tailed weasel , Mustela frenata is all over FL in non aquatic areas.
I am not sure from the posts if your setup is in Canada or Florida, but I think I would put some roofing on to shield the birds from rain. The critter protection looks good, I am in Houston, TX so I have critters too. I am a newbee, but I also have 5 bee hives in the back yard I want to add a coop too. I also make home made beer that I want to use the spent grain to feed the girls with..
Thanks for sharing from a newbee...
For our pre-fab coop, we painted it with a solid-color stain - 2 coats. My husband also replaced much of the hardware (including screws, etc.) and used construction adhesive to secure everything together including using the improved bolts, screws, etc. We used the provided run, but doubled the size. We are now in the midst of expanding the coop as we got 4 chicks instead of the 2 originally planned. Those pre-fab coops can save money and time, but you need to modify, improve, reinforce, and paint/stain to create a secure and big enough area for the chickens. Below is pic of current coop (expanded pre-fab) BUT we are adding more than double the space to the coop off the back end. The way my hubby reinforced, the only thing I don't think it will hold up to is a bear and there's no chance of that here. We are more worried about raccoons, snakes, rats/mice, and hawks. Chicks are still in brooder for at least 2 more weeks.

Wow your coop looks GREAT! Thank you for posting it....!
We'll likely have to replace the hardware soon, I thought of it at the time, but didn't have any available.
We will be building a run underneath and a bit out the side. I hope it looks as good as yours.
Now to figure out the paint colours!
Merritt island , isn't that a wildlife refuge? Pretty sure you got bears. The largest FL black bear was actually caught in the space coast. I forgot you also have weasels there too.

It is actually! We are in a pretty residential area though, quite south of that. If there was a bear here, that would be insane!
Ugh, weasels. I can't wait to set up the cam and see what goes on out there in the nighttime!
I am not sure from the posts if your setup is in Canada or Florida, but I think I would put some roofing on to shield the birds from rain. The critter protection looks good, I am in Houston, TX so I have critters too. I am a newbee, but I also have 5 bee hives in the back yard I want to add a coop too. I also make home made beer that I want to use the spent grain to feed the girls with..
Thanks for sharing from a newbee...

Hi Mike:)
The setup is in Florida....we have a tiki roof coming in for the top of the coop, so 80% water proof and allows nice ventilation. Then they will have the coop and the little run under it for complete protection from the elements.

Sounds like you have one awesome set up! I'd love to get bees, but I'd need a huuuuuge yard. I'm scared of them! LOL!
That's a great idea with the grain....brilliant!!!!
This looks extremely well built. I would be more concerned about the pressure treated lumber that will leach chemicals that your chickens will be exposed to as well as you when you eat them or their eggs. Redwood and cedar are both resistant to water damage naturally and are great for using outdoors in wet environments.
This looks extremely well built. I would be more concerned about the pressure treated lumber that will leach chemicals that your chickens will be exposed to as well as you when you eat them or their eggs. Redwood and cedar are both resistant to water damage naturally and are great for using outdoors in wet environments.

Heya Chiknhurder!

Thanks for the feedback. Did you mean the pressure treated wood that the run is built with now? Does pressure treated stuff have chemicals?!
Either way, the entire run was made 10+ years ago....so if there was anything, it's gone now, ha ha! I stained the wood in the run though, will that be a problem? Since we're in Florida, the entire thing is going to be pretty open and ventilated. The only thing even remotely closed in would be the coop inside of the run, which I am painting/staining. I am adding a lot of ventilation on that too however. Do you think that would be a problem?
about 10-12 years ago, the home improvement suppliers started moving away from CCA ( Chromated Copper Arsenate) and to a more environmental and people friendly Pressure treatment. There isnt really a way to tell except by now if there was arsenic in the treatment it will have leached into your soil. You can take a few soil samples especially right around any contact points where wood touches the ground, like around posts and supports. You can take that to your local agricultural extension office and have it tested. If it isnt showing high levels of arsenic I wouldnt stress it. If it is, only way to get rid of it is remove and replace soil.
I am in North brevard mims area. Our biggest problem here are raccoons, foxes, and hawks. Neighborhood dogs too but they stay fenced in most of the time. I am in the process of finishing my coop and run now.

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