I've been stalking my chickens.
Yes, I have a problem. No, I'm not sorry.
I decided to use this forum to track my pullets as they start to lay. To summarize, I started my chicken adventure in early April. I have 4 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Welsummer look-alikes (possible Olive Eggers), 1 Blue Australorp, 1 Ancona. And a Partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding! I also have a Cuckoo Marans + Crested Cream Legbar mix that turned out to be a surprise cockerel. All 12 were born April 3 and as of this post are 26 weeks old or 6.5 months. All my chickens seemed to mature slower than others on this forum but so far, the wait was worth it!
I have a trail cam in the coop facing the nest boxes.
Here are my layers so far...
Yes, I have a problem. No, I'm not sorry.
I decided to use this forum to track my pullets as they start to lay. To summarize, I started my chicken adventure in early April. I have 4 Plymouth Barred Rocks, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Welsummer look-alikes (possible Olive Eggers), 1 Blue Australorp, 1 Ancona. And a Partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding! I also have a Cuckoo Marans + Crested Cream Legbar mix that turned out to be a surprise cockerel. All 12 were born April 3 and as of this post are 26 weeks old or 6.5 months. All my chickens seemed to mature slower than others on this forum but so far, the wait was worth it!
I have a trail cam in the coop facing the nest boxes.
Here are my layers so far...
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