Wings of Fire ~The RP: The Three Continents

He didn't say anything for a moment.

"Yes." He said simply.

"See, look." Cyprus pointed at a bunch of more normal-sized Leafwing tracks coming from the opposite direction. "That'd be the guards and Queen Flytrap. This is where they found her."
“Well, there’s your proof I didn’t do it.” The black dragon said carefully. “I’m pretty sure Queen Flytrap won’t believe me anyway.” She felt enormous tired, and wanted to get over the ‘going to a new continent’ stress.
“Guess I’d better get out of here.” Her wings stayed down, but she turned to look Northwest with a troubled expression.
“Well, there’s your proof I didn’t do it.” The black dragon said carefully. “I’m pretty sure Queen Flytrap won’t believe me anyway.”
"Not exactly." Cyprus said.
She felt enormous tired, and wanted to get over the ‘going to a new continent’ stress.
“Guess I’d better get out of here.” Her wings stayed down, but she turned to look Northwest with a troubled expression.
"Hey nuh-uh, no." He said. "You're not going anywhere until I unscramble this whole mess. If it was somehow proven that ya DIDN'T do it, wonder of wonders (He said sarcastically), They're gonna make me go hunt all over the distant kingdoms to bring you back here and I ain't doin that." The Leafwing grumped. "So you just chill for a second."
"Not exactly." Cyprus said.

"Hey nuh-uh, no." He said. "You're not going anywhere until I unscramble this whole mess. If it was somehow proven that ya DIDN'T do it, wonder of wonders (He said sarcastically), They're gonna make me go hunt all over the distant kingdoms to bring you back here and I ain't doin that." The Leafwing grumped. "So you just chill for a second."
Cicada looked back at him quizzically. “Why do you want to figure this out so bad? She just died of.. oldes-ness probably. That’s what you just figured out isn’t it? I’m still not going to Queen Flytrap though.” She watched the LeafWing irritably.
“I’m going to sleep.” She mumbled, walking over to the nearest tree and slumping beside the trunk.
Cicada looked back at him quizzically. “Why do you want to figure this out so bad? She just died of.. oldes-ness probably. That’s what you just figured out isn’t it? I’m still not going to Queen Flytrap though.” She watched the LeafWing irritably.
“I’m going to sleep.” She mumbled, walking over to the nearest tree and slumping beside the trunk.
Cyprus rolled his eyes. He didn't really know why he was doing this either. But whatever. He was doing it because he FLIPPING WANTED TO. That should be explanation enough for any dragon.

The Leafwing turned back to the depression in the ground. "Only one way to find out if she was poisoned or not." He murmured to himself.

"Yo Hivewing." Cyprus snapped, turning his head. "I know you're tired and it's probably past your beddy-bed-time or whatever, but are you sure you wanna fall asleep in the middle of the Poison Jungle?" He raised an eyebrow. "Might want to get yourself to the Savannah first.
But that's none of my business I guess."
After a good while, She came within proximity of the shore. "Ah, nice and sandy." She grinned. It was fun to play with the sand. Instantly darting down, Astra started to roll in it playfully. She didn't go in the water however, as she'd been warned that if a Flashwing wasn't careful, they could easily electrocute every living creature in the water around for almost a mile. So she stayed out of it, not wanting to harm the fish and other ocean critters.
As she ran along the shore, Astra noted that occasionally the waves would wash up a piece of driftwood on shore. They were old and funny-looking and smelled like the sea.
Then she spotted a piece that was oddly straight, unlike the knobby, twisted wood she usually saw.
As it washed ashore the Flashwing trotted over to have a look at it.
It was long, straight, and smooth, with a sharp, gleaming metal tip attached to the end.

This wasn't driftwood, that's for sure. But what was it?? It looked like some sort of tool or weapon.
Maybe her dad would know. He was part of the Flashwing Royal Guard, after all.
The young dragon shrugged, picked it up, and took off back towards the mountains.
Cyprus rolled his eyes. He didn't really know why he was doing this either. But whatever. He was doing it because he FLIPPING WANTED TO. That should be explanation enough for any dragon.

The Leafwing turned back to the depression in the ground. "Only one way to find out if she was poisoned or not." He murmured to himself.

"Yo Hivewing." Cyprus snapped, turning his head. "I know you're tired and it's probably past your beddy-bed-time or whatever, but are you sure you wanna fall asleep in the middle of the Poison Jungle?" He raised an eyebrow. "Might want to get yourself to the Savannah first.
But that's none of my business I guess."
Cicada grumbled and stood up; she flew up over the trees without waiting for another word from Cyprus and flew west, out of his sight.

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