I want to share this because I'm a new chicken keeper, and in all the stuff I've read and all the videos I've watched, no one has mentioned this issue. I have 6 Buff Orps in their first winter. I'm in upstate NY and the weather has been brutally cold for 2 mos. I have seen a lot of posts here and on the Reddit sub recommending upping chickens' caloric intake in extreme cold. I started feeding my girls 3-4 scrambled eggs and a few fresh blueberries every few days about 3 weeks ago to augment their diet and put resources back in, because they didn't molt and were still laying heavily.
3 days ago I found one dead in the run. Since H5N1 is up here, I got an autopsy from my livestock vet. My girl died of a hemorrhage from fatty liver. My vet told me the last 4 necropsies on sudden hen death she has done were all fatty liver. She said it's a very bad idea to feed them more when they are mostly locked in a run and not getting a lot of exercise. My vet recommended gradually stepping down their feed so they don't die. Just want to add this to the knowledge base.
3 days ago I found one dead in the run. Since H5N1 is up here, I got an autopsy from my livestock vet. My girl died of a hemorrhage from fatty liver. My vet told me the last 4 necropsies on sudden hen death she has done were all fatty liver. She said it's a very bad idea to feed them more when they are mostly locked in a run and not getting a lot of exercise. My vet recommended gradually stepping down their feed so they don't die. Just want to add this to the knowledge base.