Winter in Primrose WI

We have had chickens since moving to our current home in 2011, but had them wayyyyy back in 1983 in upstate New York also.
We have about 40-50 hens and a rooster to keep everyone happy.... also because he's handsome.
We have some aged Blue Orpingtons,about 20 New Hampshire Reds, and first-year 23 Dominiques. The Reds are tough, the Dominiques are sensible enough to stop laying in winter. The Orpingtons are just cute. No idea what breed the rooster is as he was a "gift".
I can't imagine being without chickens. We have a steady group of egg buyers, and about 700 egg cartons. Love seeing the birds out and about!

We have a sheep farm and raise goats, so the birds roam the pastures with the herds. One of the two guard llamas can often be seen with a hen sitting on him.
We belonged to Backyard Chickens many years ago, and look forward to continuing the subscription. Looking forward to Spring!View attachment 4035210
Welcome back! Its so cool how you have goats and sheep! I also love your breeds!!!

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