

Jun 19, 2021
I’m sorry for a repeat winter question. My guineas roam my 3 fences acres and stick pretty close to the house and the electric netting that enclosed the chickens they were raised with. They have a cheap run purchased from Amazon that no longer has a cover once they realized they preferred roosting on top. We have a few places they could go if it’s raining and cold, but they always choose the top of this run out in the open. Including one rough chicken that thinks she’s a guinea. I thought about making a covered area with roosting bars close to the chicken winter area for the guineas but how in the world do I convince them to go in it? We live in WV and are due for a big winter.
I’m sorry for a repeat winter question. My guineas roam my 3 fences acres and stick pretty close to the house and the electric netting that enclosed the chickens they were raised with. They have a cheap run purchased from Amazon that no longer has a cover once they realized they preferred roosting on top. We have a few places they could go if it’s raining and cold, but they always choose the top of this run out in the open. Including one rough chicken that thinks she’s a guinea. I thought about making a covered area with roosting bars close to the chicken winter area for the guineas but how in the world do I convince them to go in it? We live in WV and are due for a big winter.
You convince them to go in by training them. It would be easier if you had never let them roost outside. Either lure them in with treats or herd them in. Do it before they roost for the night. Be consistent and never let them get away with not going in.

Their first snow can be challenging. They will take to the trees and refuse to land on the snow. Make "landing strips" with straw or hay leading into their "coop".
I put two little red lights into the coop because I read about that tip in one article.
The two following nights, the male and then the female guinea went by itself into the coop when it got dark. Before, I had to drive them.
At the moment, I have one guinea locked up in a cage in the coop and the other one running free. And I change the guinea every second day.

When I only had the other guinea locked up in the coop without a light, the free running one didn't come itself into the coop.
Try the red light!

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