Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I don't think this would have anything to do with it but the postal system kind of sucks now. It used to be better but now you can't trust birds in the mail anymore.
I am NPIP so I tried my hand at shipping birds a few times. My birds got lost in the mail for 6 days (fortunately they were adults and survived) and it turned me off of doing that forever.
I've shipped eggs three times to someone in NY and twice they got lost in the Oak Creek Distribution Center and two out of six shipments to me got lost in the same one. So I did a Google review on them, calling them the Bermuda Triangle. :gig

I'm getting four birds around 5-month-old air shipped to me once the lows are 32F for three days straight. She swears they all make it. I've gone through her before for eggs before, and a former national judge got me onto her, so I trust her to do this.
Another FFF already. Where did the week go?
My hens are getting vocal and starting to lay
again, with the longer daylight hours. It's
nice to see 2 to 3 eggs daily in the straw filled nest boxes.
More snow and cold on the way. I won't be sad at
all to see the cold and snow come to an end.

Stay Safe ... bigz
13 below zero, the weather guy said we are going to warm up, Sure, just when I am getting used to the cold,.
I can't believe how long it was since I was on here,
chickens are laying locally ,
lots of people selling eggs for $4.oo/doz,.
I have a lot of projects I want to do, unfortunately they are all outdoor jobs,
I am getting weary of sitting around and waiting for spring,
I heard that TSC sells pullets ? worth checking that out,.


I'm new to using BackYard Chickens so I hope I'm doing this right.

I wanted to check if anyone in the southwestern WI area would have hatching eggs for sale. I've been checking Ebay for hatching eggs but am shying away from that option because I don't want them to freeze in shipping and the shipping costs are high.

They can be mixed breeds but I'm a little picky on what I want. Looking for Delaware, Orpington, Salmon Favorelle, Plymouth Rock, Australorp, or Brahma.

Also, am interested in getting a couple Seabrights for my son. Anyone have experience with how these do in our cold climate?
Im in western WI I have fertile eggs. I sold 2 doz earlier before first cold sap, still cold and not going above or much above freezing and she got 23 out 24 hatch.
I have the variaties you mention aside Delaware. Some of my hens are mixed. i also have cinnamin queen and wyandotte and a easter egger . 17 hens.
I notice the farm fleet in La crosse gets there chicks on Fridays. By Monday, Tuesday they will usually start discounting the chicks ( if they have any left). Last year picked some up for .70 each.
FFF again already.
My hens are up to 3 eggs daily now. I'm hoping that
number doubles in the coming weeks. I still have to
decide where I'm getting chicks or eggs to hatch from.
45 mph winds today. I was not in the mood to accomplish much outside today with the sloppy wet snow everywhere.

Stay Safe ... bigz
Made the decision and ordered a dozen pullets from
Sunnyside hatchery. High volume of orders this year
has their orders out to June 5 already, so I placed the order for
the rainbow eggers that are European lines. Since they
deliver to my feed mill, the shipping stress should be
mild I'm thinking.
It will be weird to not be hatching my chicks this time

Stay Safe ...bigz

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