I've shipped eggs three times to someone in NY and twice they got lost in the Oak Creek Distribution Center and two out of six shipments to me got lost in the same one. So I did a Google review on them, calling them the Bermuda Triangle.Idk
I don't think this would have anything to do with it but the postal system kind of sucks now. It used to be better but now you can't trust birds in the mail anymore.
I am NPIP so I tried my hand at shipping birds a few times. My birds got lost in the mail for 6 days (fortunately they were adults and survived) and it turned me off of doing that forever.

I'm getting four birds around 5-month-old air shipped to me once the lows are 32F for three days straight. She swears they all make it. I've gone through her before for eggs before, and a former national judge got me onto her, so I trust her to do this.