Wisdom Teeth


Free Ranging
May 16, 2023
Blue Ridge Mountains
How bad is it to have them out? I have three impacted and one erupted.

I am hoping to enlist this year, and from what I’ve been told they’re required to come out - either before basic training or during (no thanks!!).

My parents both say it was awful. It bled everywhere and you had to have the holes stuffed with wads of cotton :sick.

How long does it take to heal? And do they actually put cotton in your mouth?

I mean, it’s kind of dumb to come here and ask this - it has to be done anyway if I want to enlist (and probably would end up happening anyhow) - but I am terrified of the procedure. I guess I would just like some reassurance everything will be okay.
It heals fast! Not dumb to ask and wonder, either 🙂
Mouths heal amazingly fast. I came right home and ate some leftover spaghetti - not recommended though. I don't remember feeling actual pain, just more of an ache that dulled out and finally went away as it healed. Yes, had to change the gauze out a time or two before bed, which was more annoying than painful, and took some over the counter pain meds to take the edge off. The idea leading up to it was worse than the actual thing, really!
It heals fast! Not dumb to ask and wonder, either 🙂
Mouths heal amazingly fast. I came right home and ate some leftover spaghetti - not recommended though. I don't remember feeling actual pain, just more of an ache that dulled out and finally went away as it healed. Yes, had to change the gauze out a time or two before bed, which was more annoying than painful, and took some over the counter pain meds to take the edge off. The idea leading up to it was worse than the actual thing, really!
Thank you! I agree the idea is probably worse than the actual experience. Do they totally sedate you or just numb your mouth?
Thank you! I agree the idea is probably worse than the actual experience. Do they totally sedate you or just numb your mouth?
They sedated - mine were in similar condition to yours, except none erupted. Mine were sideways and under my gums. What does erupted mean, and is that hurting you now?
If they are impacted they will need to sedate, you’ll go home in a couple of hours.

I’m too old to remember having mine done, but both my kids had it done. They both did well although my oldest did whine for a few days to get ice cream 🙂

Also, more than 90% of folks have them removed usually in their late teens/early 20s, so ask around of people you know!
If they are impacted they will need to sedate, you’ll go home in a couple of hours.

I’m too old to remember having mine done, but both my kids had it done. They both did well although my oldest did whine for a few days to get ice cream 🙂

Also, more than 90% of folks have them removed usually in their late teens/early 20s, so ask around of people you know!
I don’t know anyone :).
I’m 23 though, so should be good there!
My DH#1 had his out at about your age, I don't remember it being that big a deal. My GD will have hers out in a few weeks when her ins kicks in. You just have to have someone drive you bc you will be woozy afterward. Yeah they give you little gauze pads to put in place and you bite down on them, just like any extraction. You can't smoke or suck on straws for a while afterward. You won't feel a thing during the procedure and Tylenol afterward will take care of you. You'll be fine.

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