Wondering if I should be worried...


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
I have a few chicks right now that I have had for a week, so they are about a week and a half old (I think they hatched on the 13th). Seven of the eight act happy and healthy, nice and active. The eighth one, though, I am just not sure about. It is a smaller variety (I don't think bantam small, though). It doesn't come out from under the EcoGlow much. I rarely see it eating or drinking. I have examined it, and there is nothing really jumping out at me. It still acts spry enough, it scuttles away as fast as it can once I put it back. It's just when all the others come running out for the food or to check out what's going on, it mostly just stays under the warmer (I should note that the room is also heated, so it is not particularly cold out from under the warmer). I am just unsure as to whether I should be concerned or if some chicks are just like that. I have had several chicks in the past, but I am not really used to this behaviour after the first few days.
If you have photos you would like to share that would be great!

Hard to know - is she smaller than everyone else?
Could it be she stays behind because the others are bigger and possibly running her over when you bring food?
Any possibility this chick is younger than the others?

It won't hurt to give her 1-2drops Poultry Nutri-Drench daily for a few days. If she is not eating well, offer her a little wet feed to see if that helps. Sometimes crumbles are hard to manage when they are little.
Watch to see if she's pooping o.k. and that her bum is clear.
If you have photos you would like to share that would be great!

Hard to know - is she smaller than everyone else?
Could it be she stays behind because the others are bigger and possibly running her over when you bring food?
Any possibility this chick is younger than the others?

It won't hurt to give her 1-2drops Poultry Nutri-Drench daily for a few days. If she is not eating well, offer her a little wet feed to see if that helps. Sometimes crumbles are hard to manage when they are little.
Watch to see if she's pooping o.k. and that her bum is clear.
She is slightly smaller, but not a lot. I have been monitoring her bum due to losing two to suspected pastey butt the morning after I got them, and all seems clear there. I will try the wet feed and see if that helps.
I believe they all hatched within a day or two of each other. I do wonder if the others have run her over enough that she has given up competing for food. I do have a picture of her being her cute self, but nothing useful I am afraid.


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She is slightly smaller, but not a lot. I have been monitoring her bum due to losing two to suspected pastey butt the morning after I got them, and all seems clear there. I will try the wet feed and see if that helps.
I believe they all hatched within a day or two of each other. I do wonder if the others have run her over enough that she has given up competing for food. I do have a picture of her being her cute self, but nothing useful I am afraid.
The picture of her Cute Self is just fine, she's adorable:)
How is she today?
The picture of her Cute Self is just fine, she's adorable:)
How is she today?
Thank you, and thank you for asking. She is not doing any worse, so that is somewhat encouraging. When I picked her up, she flapped her little wings and cheeped, perched and walked on my hands...so she is at least responsive to being lifted. She quickly scurried back under the warmer once I put her down. My hope is that she is at least coming out and getting at least a little food and water, even if I don't see it. It seems like if she was starving or dehydrated, she would be more immobile and/or lethargic by now.
Thank you, and thank you for asking. She is not doing any worse, so that is somewhat encouraging. When I picked her up, she flapped her little wings and cheeped, perched and walked on my hands...so she is at least responsive to being lifted. She quickly scurried back under the warmer once I put her down. My hope is that she is at least coming out and getting at least a little food and water, even if I don't see it. It seems like if she was starving or dehydrated, she would be more immobile and/or lethargic by now.
Yes, I would think she would be immobile and lethargic by now if she is not eating/drinking. If she is smaller, she may just need more heat.
Feel her crop, that should tell you if she's been eating. If she seems alert and can scurry around, then I would just keep watch on her.

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