Wood Chips for run


The pictures are not very clear because of the leaves. We clean it out right before winter and dig out any spots that got filled in. There is a slight uphill grade behind and on one side of the coop. The floor of the run is about 8 inches below the yard on that one side so too much rain or spring rain/snow melt or frozen ground with rain had water seeping in even with a gutter on the back.

The trench is on the back and each side and extend 4 feet past the front of the coop. The land in front of the coop is mor level or slopes away from the coop.


Great run bedding, have used it for 10+ years now.
But I have a place to store the large pile you get from tree trimmers.

If you have a drainage issue, fix that first.

I've read mostly bad stuff about chipdrop.
Either there was a bunch of trash, large log chunks, dumped in middle of driveway...or they never got them.
It's a crap shoot.

If you have the space to store the large pile, you're better off calling a local tree trimmer, they are usually happy to get rid of them.

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