Worming peacocks

I give mine 2 cc safe gasrd fenbendazole and then i was to repeat in 10 days and i forgot last year and they did fine.So safeoard don't kill all worms
I give mine 2 cc safe gasrd fenbendazole and then i was to repeat in 10 days and i forgot last year and they did fine.So safeoard don't kill all worms
Safeguard will kill most worms if given at a high enough dose for 5 days. A one day dose of 2ml is not likely to treat capillary worms.

Do you think I could put it in the birds wet mash? If so at what dosage? I have been using the liquid goat wormer in the water in the past but now I think I would have better results in the feed.
You sure could. All you need to do is figure out what dose you want to use and do a little math. For example, I use Safeguard at 50mg/kg, so if I were going to put that in a mash I would figure out the total weight of the flock (and for this example I'm going to say that I have 10 hens at 3kg each) and do the math below:

Ten hens at 3kg each = 30kg
30kg times 50mg = 1500mg
1500mg divided by the number of mg in one ml, which with Safeguard is 100 = 15ml of Safeguard Liquid

The above would look like this:
10 x 3kg x 50mg ÷ 100 = 15ml

Make sense?

I know I'll probably get slammed for this, but I strongly believe that 3ml in a gallon of water is not enough wormer. No offense to those of you that use that amount.

I know I'll probably get slammed for this, but I strongly believe that 3ml in a gallon of water is not enough wormer. No offense to those of you that use that amount.


I took a couple of samples in for fecal examinations and after talking to my vet it made perfect sense to her to put the wormer into the wet feed and encouraged me to do so. We found in one pea stool slide eight Coccidiosis eggs and three Blackhead eggs. She saw no reason why I could not powder the Fish Zole tablets and mix into the feed as well as any antibiotic I want to administer. That will sure beat pouring out the unused antibiotic water every morning and wondering if the peas got any of it.
I took a couple of samples in for fecal examinations and after talking to my vet it made perfect sense to her to put the wormer into the wet feed and encouraged me to do so. We found in one pea stool slide eight Coccidiosis eggs and three Blackhead eggs. She saw no reason why I could not powder the Fish Zole tablets and mix into the feed as well as any antibiotic I want to administer. That will sure beat pouring out the unused antibiotic water every morning and wondering if the peas got any of it.

That sounds great, but again...how can you be sure they are all getting a sufficient dose? I watched my 7 chicks eat yesterday and the 5 barred wing chicks kept chasing off the 2 BS chicks, I know those 2 are getting less feed than the others and I would worry that if I had meds in it they wouldn't get a big enough dose. If it was me and I had cocci and BH confirmed I would be orally dosing to make sure. I know what a pain it would be, I have 40some Peas myself, but BH would seriously scare me. Kathy knows more about BH than I do, is there anything that can be done to eradicate it from the property, or will you be battling that bug forever? I know they will eventually become resistant to the cocci (unless the BH makes that questionable too) but, what about the BH, they don't develop a resistance to that right? Does burning the ground or anything help get rid of it?
That sounds great, but again...how can you be sure they are all getting a sufficient dose? I watched my 7 chicks eat yesterday and the 5 barred wing chicks kept chasing off the 2 BS chicks, I know those 2 are getting less feed than the others and I would worry that if I had meds in it they wouldn't get a big enough dose. If it was me and I had cocci and BH confirmed I would be orally dosing to make sure. I know what a pain it would be, I have 40some Peas myself, but BH would seriously scare me. Kathy knows more about BH than I do, is there anything that can be done to eradicate it from the property, or will you be battling that bug forever? I know they will eventually become resistant to the cocci (unless the BH makes that questionable too) but, what about the BH, they don't develop a resistance to that right? Does burning the ground or anything help get rid of it?

I can not speak to the eradication of BH, the vet and I did not address that. However on the feeding of the meds; she said that since I feed them the wet mash twice a day and I know the approximate amount of feed they take down that making that amount is important. It is somewhat weather dependent too, some days they eat a bit more or less, but she said that keeping them hungry insures that they will take down an amount equal to their size requirement. So if I make up an amount that after they all get their fill I have a ladle of food left I pretty much hit my mark. I put the food in about five different pans to reduce bickering and by the time the older ones get full the smaller ones still get to eat.

In a nut shell for those of you who may want to try doing this, start by wetting the feed you are providing, the birds really like the crumbles wet. I mix things like rolled oats, crimped corn, scratch grain, mackerel, chopped veggies, etc to excite the birds to eat. When medicating I do not include the whole grain because I don't want them picking that out and missing the meds, however I guess that the liquid is on it, but all the same I don't. Get to know how much feed they are going to take down, have an idea what the total bird weight is and use the formulae that Kathy posted above in this thread to determine how much medication you will give.

Since you have been feeding the wet mash you have an idea how much water you will use, put the meds in that water before you mix it into the mash to insure that the meds are equally distributed in the feed.

Mindy, I know that individual dosing is the absolute best way to administer meds, but when you have well over two hundred birds including chickens, ducks, turkeys, guineas, and peas, and you need to do them all every day for a week or more it just isn't feasible. So far this is the best system I have come up with and highly approved of by my vet.
Just wanted to mention again about feeding wet mash, you can set up your water container and put you feed in the resivor part, this is a great way to give meds and it also keeps the feed from caking, you add feed to the resivor as they eat it up leaving liquid, you will know for sure all have gotten meds for the simple fact that all the liquid will be gone by the end of the day, i used this method for worming last time insead of scrambled eggs and it worked out wonderfuly.

here sre photos of a small version, i used a 6 gallon water container for the free rangers and it worked out wonderful

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I can not speak to the eradication of BH, the vet and I did not address that. However on the feeding of the meds; she said that since I feed them the wet mash twice a day and I know the approximate amount of feed they take down that making that amount is important. It is somewhat weather dependent too, some days they eat a bit more or less, but she said that keeping them hungry insures that they will take down an amount equal to their size requirement. So if I make up an amount that after they all get their fill I have a ladle of food left I pretty much hit my mark. I put the food in about five different pans to reduce bickering and by the time the older ones get full the smaller ones still get to eat.

In a nut shell for those of you who may want to try doing this, start by wetting the feed you are providing, the birds really like the crumbles wet. I mix things like rolled oats, crimped corn, scratch grain, mackerel, chopped veggies, etc to excite the birds to eat. When medicating I do not include the whole grain because I don't want them picking that out and missing the meds, however I guess that the liquid is on it, but all the same I don't. Get to know how much feed they are going to take down, have an idea what the total bird weight is and use the formulae that Kathy posted above in this thread to determine how much medication you will give.

Since you have been feeding the wet mash you have an idea how much water you will use, put the meds in that water before you mix it into the mash to insure that the meds are equally distributed in the feed.

Mindy, I know that individual dosing is the absolute best way to administer meds, but when you have well over two hundred birds including chickens, ducks, turkeys, guineas, and peas, and you need to do them all every day for a week or more it just isn't feasible. So far this is the best system I have come up with and highly approved of by my vet.

Wow, I had no idea you had that many birds, oral dosing definitely isn't feasible at those numbers. I truly hope you can get the upper hand with this. How long have you been on that property? Do you know if there were birds there prior to yours?

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