Worst chicken breed

I'm sad to hear that. I was planning to get a couple, but I don't need jerks.
Are there any other Columbian colored breeds?
Look for a good breeder that breeds birds for temperment. You're more likely to get nice roos from someone who aggressively culls aggression from their lines
Sussex and Amberlink chickens are horrible. My Sussex are mean to me and my bantams. They are two years old and still have not laid ONE egg. Almost all of my Pekins are either dead or are in a different run. My Amberlinks don’t lay eggs, they also fight and I had a roo kill one of my Pekins right in front of me. The Sussex and Amberlink hens are like mean roosters that lay eggs. They aren’t smart and don’t go inside their coop. so i’m thinking of removing the run and their coop and let them get eaten.
Egyptian Fayoumi is the worst breed I have experience with. They're similar in every single way to my American Game, except they're worse in every category
>extremely skittish
>extremely loud
>bad at survival and free-ranging compared to any gamefowl

A close second are Orpingtons for their broken broodiness genes. The bloodline I'm familiar with loves to go broody, hatch eggs and ignore the babies existence
I have been eyeing up Blue Australorps as well!! We currently have 3 Black Australorp hens, and man oh man... my husband doesn't like them bc they are obviously larger than our medium size flocks... but I simply adore them. It's true, I'm not a fan of their size either, but they are so friendly and hands down have the SOFTEST feathers EVER!!! And as someone who has Buff Orpingtons...If you like the Orpingtons you will LOVE the Aussies :)
Thank you so much! I don't mind the size, have Orpingtons after all. :)
I have done some research and will have my eye peeled for some this coming Spring. Wish me luck!
I don't want to offend silkie owners but I have to say silkies. All silkies that I owned were really stupid, and seemed blind even though I made sure they didnt have fluff blocking their sight... They are really cute though, even cuter as freshly hatched... But I need a chicken that can register that I am there, and not just staring into the wall.

Mine also had really bad health. Suddenly I would find dead birds in my pen, while my other breeds were fine. I suspected marek's disease.
I don't want to offend silkie owners but I have to say silkies. All silkies that I owned were really stupid, and seemed blind even though I made sure they didnt have fluff blocking their sight... They are really cute though, even cuter as freshly hatched... But I need a chicken that can register that I am there, and not just staring into the wall.

Mine also had really bad health. Suddenly I would find dead birds in my pen, while my other breeds were fine. I suspected marek's disease.
My friends silkies are all jerks, mean hens mean roosters.

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