Would you leave your coop open at night?

I always lock my birds up at night. The only time I didn't lock them up was after a dokwnpour and I couldn't get to the door of the ducks room. But after last Springs attack on my ducks and some of my chickens I have got myself a pair of boots and my gang gets locked in every night. I have even locked my one cat in there a few times and have never lost a bird. Knock on wood!!
We do have coyotes here, but I've yet to see one. They'd also have to get through the 5-strand electrified fence that serves to keep the dogs in (we got the dogs for hawk protection mostly).

We've also got raccoons, skunks, and possums. I suspect any of those could get into the chicken yard.

Thanks for all the responses, guys!
I'm not a dog trainer but I'd think that not interacting with them and training them would make them anti-social and that would not be desirable. Dogs bred for protecting livestock have it in their blood if bred properly. There are lots of breeds that have been bred indiscriminately thus the breed has ruined for it's intended purpose. Another thing that happens is the puppies are taken off their mothers before they learn their "dog language." We adopted an adult German Shepherd and this was his case. It's very frustrating and can be scary. We think that is why he was put up for adoption; his original owner became fearful of his. He weighs 90 lbs. I'll get off my soap box now. I could go on but...
Lock the henhouse door!!

I went to a dinner last evening and didn't get home until after dark. Was really p a r a n o i d
about my henhouse doors being open. My friend thought I was nuts. rofl

Racoons are smart, silent and deadly. Have fought a year long battle with them here in middle Tn. and think I have won for the time being. They would bite the heads off my hens, drag free rangers off a big tree where they used to nest, and even killed one of my young cats! Now I have a huge hen house built like a fortress with a 5' high chain link run with hardware wire at the bottom bent outward along the ground. And I still "patrol" at night with a 20 g.

However am seriously thinking about getting a Great Pyrenees in the next day or two. Am looking at an adult male and a playful puppy...not sure which would be better. When I was a kid my parents had one and the chickens used to sleep right next to her.
Not just no, but **** no! Always lock up at night. When I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, I calld my ex to get her to close them up. When I had the flu and couldn't stand without getting dizzy and vomiting, I crawled out to close up. Never leave the coop open at night. All watchers are fallible.
I lock ours up at night as a rule. However there are times when we are not home until after dark. Especially in the winter when it is dark at 4 pm! Closing the coop is always on my mind as the sun starts to set, unless my dogs are out. Well, its still on my mind, but I calm down a bit! As soon as we pull in the yard I am jumping out of the pickup and shutting the coop.

During the summer we like to go camping. We just leave the dogs out to guard them. The first few times I would worry all weekend, and hold my breath as we pulled into the yard. We have not lost a one to a predator yet. I know this is tempting fate and could happen. But so far this has worked for us.

They are in an enclosed run with hardware cloth buried. That won't keep out something small(weasel?) or something that can climb the fence though.

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