Wrapped for Winter

This will be our third CT winter and I'm going to do something different with the wrap. Instead of fixing the wrap using staples, I'm going to hang/fix the wrap using hooks. I would like to be able to 'Roll up the wrap' on sunny, non windy days with the option to fix it to the run if heavy, cold winds come. Our winter was pretty mild last year and I took the wrap off somewhat early compared to the year before. Hens seem to thrive in what i would call cold weather. They seem very comfortable in the 30's-40's. Even when its below 30, they seem comfortable unless the wind comes. 0-10 degrees they all stand around like they are starched. We shall see. Good luck with the winter everyone. If your new to chicken keeping this winter, your chickens are more comfortable than you think. Blocking every little nook and cranny is not necessary. (I did that my first winter). Fresh air making its way into the nooks and crannies is necessary imo. I think super fresh air is more important than fussing over blocking every little space, crack or hole. Leave ventilation along the top of whatever you wrap. 🐔 :love
If had a solid roof I would use clear tarps for the walls.
But I don't so I just shovel out as necessary.

I have a greenhouse tarp on the top of my chain link run 'roof' year round, as well as tennis court shade screen rolling around the top 4' of my 6' high sides and on the top in scattered random places for additional shade on the ground. In the winter I bolt metal roof panels around the bottom of the run, completely on the North and West sides, and 10' of the East side. I leave the South end (20' x 8' x 6') open so they can still get fresh air and so they can see out across our 72 acres. I used clear shower curtains all the way around one winter, but they got so weather worn that they couldn't see out and I couldn't see into the run. So never did that again. My attached pictures is how I've done my 20'x30'x6' fully enclosed, chain link dog panel run for the past 3 winters now and everyone's happy. They stay warm without the cold winter winds blowing across them and it helps keep snowfall to a VERY minimal amount inside their run.


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They stay warm without the cold winter winds blowing across them and it helps keep snowfall to a VERY minimal amount inside their run.
Looks pretty sturdy.
How much snow do you get?

Here's how to add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I wrap the south and north sides in cheap dollar store clear shower curtains. As well as under the coop. Notice that there is a large opening to allow airflow. This picture is a bit old. The plastic was not as see through as what is currently in use.
I used clear shower curtains too, and they work great!
Just wanted to drop a thank you for this post, I ordered some of the vinyl for wind block on my run and I can't believe how nice it is! Clear as window pane and very heavy duty. Thanks for the tip!
Most welcome! you've done a beautiful job!

We use paint stick strips from home depot (longer, heavier ones, pre-drill the sticks while they are still in a bunch), and use roofing screws to hold up the vinyl and keep the wrapping tight. The sticks and screws can be reused as well. But looks like your vinyls are nicely hung already! Great job!

In Spring, we take the vinyl panels down gradually (one panel at a time, pending on weather condition, spring weather can be unpredictable, but we also want good ventilation to avoid greenhouse effect). I do wash the panels before putting them away for next season.
Most welcome! you've done a beautiful job!

We use paint stick strips from home depot (longer, heavier ones, pre-drill the sticks while they are still in a bunch), and use roofing screws to hold up the vinyl and keep the wrapping tight. The sticks and screws can be reused as well. But looks like your vinyls are nicely hung already! Great job!

In Spring, we take the vinyl panels down gradually (one panel at a time, pending on weather condition, spring weather can be unpredictable, but we also want good ventilation to avoid greenhouse effect). I do wash the panels before putting them away for next season.
Thanks! For now it's just stapled on, I should probably add firring strips too to keep things from tearing in the wind. Tomorrow is another day 😊

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