Yellow Spots on my Rooster's Comb


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2024
South Africa
Just a quick note, the black spots on his face and comb were caused by my other rooster they have since been separated!

I've been between selling all my pekins because I'm actually so overwhelmed, and this rooster might just be the cherry on the cake for me. I've been regularly soaking his feet to help combat scaly leg mites and noticed these yellow spots on his comb. It's winter here in South Africa and we shouldn't have any mosquitos so I'm somewhat sure it's not fowl pox.

Could anyone possibly take a look at the pictures I attached? I'm not experienced with the various illnesses and infections. If anything I'm tempted to just have a all Barbu D'uccle flock at this point.


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Mosquitoes aren't the only source of fowl pox and I'm thinking it might indeed be fowl pox. In any case, separate him until it heals
It does look like dry pox to me. As it looks fairly mild, I wouldn't do anything besides separate him and monitor. It'll go away on its own
It does look like dry pox to me. As it looks fairly mild, I wouldn't do anything besides separate him and monitor. It'll go away on its own
Thank you! I'll be able to breed him to my hens and sell their chicks, correct? I'm sorry I'm not too educated with pox, and I've been told vaccinating isn't necessary as they build a resistance to it once they do have it. Otherwise, I'll book a vaccination appointment for my flock. My pockets hurt already 😩
Yes, dry fowl pox isn't usually too serious and your rooster will have immunity once he recovers. You certainly can vaccinate the rest of your flock as it would keep them from getting it and that might be worth doing 'cause sometimes birds get the wet form of the disease which is often fatal (got unlucky and lost half my flock of 4 last year to wet fowl pox, but I think the strain we have here might just be particularly nasty). I don't know what you have access to over there but here you can actually order the vaccine online and vaccinate them yourself. It's pretty easy to do and at least here the vaccine is cheap
I'm going to keep him separated until the wounds seem healed just so I can have some peace of mind! Thank you so very much ❤️
Yes, dry fowl pox isn't usually too serious and your rooster will have immunity once he recovers. You certainly can vaccinate the rest of your flock as it would keep them from getting it and that might be worth doing 'cause sometimes birds get the wet form of the disease which is often fatal (got unlucky and lost half my flock of 4 last year to wet fowl pox, but I think the strain we have here might just be particularly nasty). I don't know what you have access to over there but here you can actually order the vaccine online and vaccinate them yourself. It's pretty easy to do and at least here the vaccine is cheap
I'll order the vaccines! I'm sure it could only do wonders for them. I'm so sorry about your flock :( I've heard horrible things about wet pox!

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