Yet another Hurricane on its way to Florida….

Eventually I'm going to invest in getting a whole house generator to include the water pump. It's just so expensive!!
Yea they are. In my trade I’ve encountered a lot of people after Charlie and Wilma that invested in a Generac and then complained that we didn’t have any hurricane hit Florida in 5 years or more.
Usually we only lose power for a few days, but freak storms can devastate the power grid, mainly due to flooding softening the tree roots/ ground and tornadoes.
Like Florida Bullfrog said, the Ladies will still freerange and get through okay , it’s just our stress levels concerning them that gets us wound up.
I know my wife would be upset if something happened to the house, but would be devastated if the Ladies got hurt.
We added a Generac several years ago, and it's worth it! We looked on it as 'insurance', and it's only been on for more than a very short time once. A few weeks ago, loved it. We have the well too, out in the country, and need to have water for our critters, at least. Everything runs, will only fail if the propane tank is destroyed or something. And the tree that takes out the tank will also crush the house...
I find it amazing that birds like to free range in 100 mile an hour wind. How do they not get blown across the property or worse yet, blown smack into a tree?
I find it amazing that birds like to free range in 100 mile an hour wind. How do they not get blown across the property or worse yet, blown smack into a tree?
They know to hunker down to make themselves less aireodinamic I’m guessing. The only time I’ve ever seen heavy wind effect our chickens was one that stretched and the wind got under her wing and flipped her.
They will get on the off side of the barn or coop, but it won’t stop them from getting grubs and bugs.
Thank you for working hard to get power back on after the storms.

We are West of Trenton almost to Fanning Springs. Most storms shut down power in this area several days. We were blessed that this place already had a generator when we bought it a few years ago. We fill several containers with water just incase.
I try to get everything put in the sheds or secure beforehand. I move my rabbits inside our big shed,they don't do well in the storms. I use big dog crates for them. The chickens have a very secure house off the ground 2 feet. Debby tore the covering over the coop area and we had to replace it. Hopefully the new one survives this storm.

The best thing is neighbors helping neighbors ❤️

Stay safe everyone.
A good friend of mine lives in Live Oak.

Sending my best to all in Florida. Be safe.

:fl :fl :fl
We are in North Gainesville/ Lacrosse, it’s looking like the edge of the cone, for now anyway.
Best of luck to you all, Alachua County is handing out sand bags(10 a day per person) but not sure what other resources are available at this time.
My wife is securing tarps today and not letting the ladies free range as she doesn’t want to go out in the storm this evening to put tarps up.

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