Yet another Hurricane on its way to Florida….

Happy to report our girls did fabulously for two nights in the house, penned the entire time. They exuded minimal stress and are now back in their 'home' after early morning exercise and a little free ranging. They did ask what happened to their yard with all the tree debris everywhere. We are so grateful we had them in the house. the wind was horrific and some branches fell on the coop and run, but no damage. It's amazing. We have two felled trees but they fell in the right directions. No structural damage. We are blessed and grateful. All animals and humans are well. I'm hoping all others faired as well as we did.
Happy to report our girls did fabulously for two nights in the house, penned the entire time. They exuded minimal stress and are now back in their 'home' after early morning exercise and a little free ranging. They did ask what happened to their yard with all the tree debris everywhere. We are so grateful we had them in the house. the wind was horrific and some branches fell on the coop and run, but no damage. It's amazing. We have two felled trees but they fell in the right directions. No structural damage. We are blessed and grateful. All animals and humans are well. I'm hoping all others faired as well as we did.
You are heroes! Well done, happy to hear all structures and living beings are safe :love
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Happy to report our girls did fabulously for two nights in the house, penned the entire time. They exuded minimal stress and are now back in their 'home' after early morning exercise and a little free ranging. They did ask what happened to their yard with all the tree debris everywhere. We are so grateful we had them in the house. the wind was horrific and some branches fell on the coop and run, but no damage. It's amazing. We have two felled trees but they fell in the right directions. No structural damage. We are blessed and grateful. All animals and humans are well. I'm hoping all others faired as well as we did.
We had minor damage to a coop, but it was a weak point that we were aware of. Some flooding in the coops, but nothing the girls can’t get through.
Debris in the yard and a leak in the roof at the chimney.
Power is still out, and my wife is not happy about that, as the wind died down and all the standing water made it very humid .
A good friend of mine lives in Live Oak, FL. He emailed me that everyone is ok, but they have six figures worth of damage. :hmm
I was in Live Oak today. Generally no power. Some store have generators going, others do not. Tractor Supply had a generator for the register but the store was dark. Associates escorted customers around in the dark via flashlight.

We’re being told 2-4 weeks without power. I went into White Springs and based on what I saw, I’d believe it.

I got several days worth of gas for my generator. Gonna keep the family down south until school starts back.
Tractor Supply had a generator for the register but the store was dark. Associates escorted customers around in the dark via flashlight.

We’re being told 2-4 weeks without power.

I read this to my mom, we got a giggle out of picturing the TSC tour guides announcing which group is going in which direction in the store.
"Ok guys, horse feed is group B!"

And wow, 2-4 weeks is a long time without power.
We did 9 days without after Irma. It almost makes you forget what it's like to live with modern conveniences. And air conditioning! It was like a miracle when it came back, but I probably shouldn't talk about it to anyone suffering without. 🫢 :oops:
I read this to my mom, we got a giggle out of picturing the TSC tour guides announcing which group is going in which direction in the store.
"Ok guys, horse feed is group B!"

And wow, 2-4 weeks is a long time without power.
We did 9 days without after Irma. It almost makes you forget what it's like to live with modern conveniences. And air conditioning! It was like a miracle when it came back, but I probably shouldn't talk about it to anyone suffering without. 🫢 :oops:
Oh I’m laying in the AC of my emergency bedroom window unit running off the generator. It feels glorious. I’ll sleep well tonight.

In the long term I want to figure out some sort of fuel-efficient options to keep power going for weeks at a time. I previously had an old generator that would power the bare necessities plus a window AC unit on a couple of gallons a day. With 2 5 gallon cans of gas I was good for many days. That generator finally died and the next one I got is powerful enough to power the entire home minus central air. But its a gas guzzler. Not practical for long term use.

I have a PTO generator that is pretty efficient, but its out off commission with a bad breaker that cannot be replaced without a vintage South African-made piece.
Oh I’m laying in the AC of my emergency bedroom window unit running off the generator. It feels glorious. I’ll sleep well tonight.

In the long term I want to figure out some sort of fuel-efficient options to keep power going for weeks at a time. I previously had an old generator that would power the bare necessities plus a window AC unit on a couple of gallons a day. With 2 5 gallon cans of gas I was good for many days. That generator finally died and the next one I got is powerful enough to power the entire home minus central air. But its a gas guzzler. Not practical for long term use.

I have a PTO generator that is pretty efficient, but its out off commission with a bad breaker that cannot be replaced without a vintage South African-made piece.
Glad your flock made it through in good shape.
We lost 1 Cemani to a predator right after the storm. Caught her by the door but couldn’t pull her through it.
I’ve heard the propane generators are more fuel efficient and can power more, can’t confirm though, but am checking into it.
My Wife said people are still being a*^holes though. She took debris to the transfer station/ dump and someone had dumped in front of the gate in the middle of the night. The workers had to clean it up before anyone could get in to drop off debris.
We are working down in Naples for now, but expect to be making our way north by tomorrow. Bradenton area still has 11k out of power on FPL system and think Columbia county and Bradford county are the next highest for outages.
There are CoOp that have a lot more out but we are contracted to FPL until complete , then they can release us to help other companies.

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