Yet, another rat

Since these are wood rats and not Norway rats, you can build a broody cage to shut your hen and chicks into at night out of similar gauge wire to your rat trap.

Make a 2'x2'x'2 wooden frame and staple 1/4" hardware cloth on all sides making a tight fitting door frame for the front. When you go to lock up at night, shut mama and chicks in the box.
Roof rats won't bother the chicken, they just chew up the feed bags. I need to invest in some metal containers.
I keep my chick/chicken food in one of those dog food vaults. Actually I leave it outside right by the coop. No problems with pests or the whether and it’s been raining or should I say pouring non-stop for a month or so. This won’t solve your rat problem but at least save your food. The vaults holds 60lbs of feed and I believe they come in even larger (or smaller) sizes
The vaults are by Gamma2 btw. Check Sam’s club if you’re a member. You can order it from their website as well. Got a smoking price on them. Like $30 bucks or something for the 60lbs one which is cheap. It will last you forever and even comes with a scoop.
My dog told me that I had caught another rat last night. I went out and opened the coop door to check- yep, the trap had something in it. I took it out shined my flashlight in it. It was a dang bird. I don't even know what kind. I put the trap on the fence, shined the light in front of it and lured the bird out. Flew off into the dark- didn't even eat my bait!!
Number 9

Another dang rat in the trap this morning.
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This might not be a viable option if you live in town, but I keep all my feed in an old freezer. I dump the bags out into it, it can hold 4- 50 pound bags, and just fill feeders from there. Rats can't get in anywhere. If you can find someone giving a broken one away, it's a great cheap (free) option if you have somewhere to put it!

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