Gah! I am seriously fighting the urge to keep candeling these goose eggs! It looked like two of them MAY already be internally pipped. But from what I have read, goose eggs take a lot longer to reach each stage of hatching.

I REALLY wish I had one of those ultra small cameras they use for various medical procedures, so I could make a hole with a 22 gauge needle and WATCH!

So maybe a day or two before external pip and then another day until zip? Ugh, I wish I knew!
that would be awesome!! Just trying to save some money.
If it truly is "clean" beef, I have another person that would love to go in on it.
Sneek peek…I've been MIA because I've been either working, tending the flock and animals (including my sweet sweet hubby), down in my shop or out back…still not done but this is my Polish coop in progress. It has 3 sections inside the coop and run all of which can be opened up by the hinged doors or locked down for 3 breeding pens. By the way I've been told there is a Canton show in April but I can't find any details.
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Sneek peek…I've been MIA because I've been either working, tending the flock and animals (including my sweet sweet hubby), down in my shop or out back…still not done but this is my Polish coop in progress. By the way I've been told there is a Canon show in April but I can't find any details.
Dude, I'm so jealous! :eek: That coop is so neat!!

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