Had jury duty. They asked questions before they choose the jury. The case was for a DUI. One question they asked was "Does anyone NOT drink?" I raised my hand. They asked if I have even drunk. I said "No, not in high school, not in college, not ever" Then they asked why I didn't drink and I said, "It tastes yucky, cost money and it makes you do stupid things" Needless to say, I was dismissed from jury duty.
Had jury duty. They asked questions before they choose the jury. The case was for a DUI. One question they asked was "Does anyone NOT drink?" I raised my hand. They asked if I have even drunk. I said "No, not in high school, not in college, not ever" Then they asked why I didn't drink and I said, "It tastes yucky, cost money and it makes you do stupid things" Needless to say, I was dismissed from jury duty.
Yep. That'll definitely get you out of jury duty for a DUI case!! lol!!
I have a pair of Indian runner ducks. I just hatched one duck about a week ago. Threw some eggs under a broody hen. I also have one egg that should hatch around the 27th. (One of my hens has been getting into the nest and eating them.. I think I know who did it and she is now somewhere else.) I have another broody hen sitting on 4 more eggs. Hers won't hatch until May 8th. Am also putting in 6 more eggs in the bator tonight unless you want to come and get them. They are Fawn and White. Since I only have one female duck right now, don't have many eggs to stick under broodies! Too many broodies! Let me know if you are interested. I live near Amicalola Falls State Park in Dawsonville.
That sounds wonderful! I was really hoping to find someone with some Fawn and White Runners, they are beautiful birds! I would be interested in either the four in may or some of those other 6. I'm hoping to get three or four little ones. :) I really appreciate your reply I'm so glad to know that if I do get them I won't have to worry about them going through the mail and getting hurt!

Other than that I'm still pretty new here, so I'm going to ask a bit of a dumb question. Is there a way to message you on BYC other than on the forum so we could talk about this?
Ok, So.....

I stayed home from work today because I have to work this coming Saturday. I took GAM to Home Depot and we got netting to put over our pen just in case it is owls getting our ducks. I picked up my Pilgrim goose eggs. I don't understand why the post office can't treat properly marked boxes better. Out of 8 eggs only one showed up with an intact air cell. The rest were either loose or completely detached. At least none appear scrambled. And the box had damage that would have only been cause by a significant impact. I called this morning and told them I was coming for them. The box was up front waiting on me...... on its side!!! Oh well, I guess we'll see how they do. They're going to sit for 24 hours before we put them in the incubator.

Hung out at the farm most of the day. Moved a bunch of chicks that are now old enough to be in the big pen. They are loving life. From wire floor and little space to real dirt and lots of room to run around. They are so much fun to watch when they first get turned out. And we now have enough extra cages that we can move the younger ones around and let them be on grass for a while. They had a good time today, too.

Flower, am I supposed to be picking up some birds from you to transport back down here for ChickDancer? Just let me know so I can plan for it. Sunday the 27th would be my only chance.

I got an email today that my female CPG is ready to pick up. But I checked my email too late in the day to be able to get her today.

Picked up my 2 Partridge Brahma hens from carcar today and put them in with the Splash rooster. Of course I don't know if they're blue or gold partridge. I am still having a really hard time with some colors.

And 2 wild ducks came to the pond tonight. At first I thought they were Wood Ducks but they were too big. They were beautiful but I couldn't get close enough for a positive ID.
Roboduck, my friend took all her chicks that I hatched for her. I guess ChickDancer would need to call her and ask about buying some from her. I think she was interested in the Golden Cuckoo Marans.

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