Anyone interested in RIR eggs?

I am sure if you're close enough GAM will want some for the school hatchings.
I live near peach tree city ga.
a few more weird eggs I've gotten the last few days. Still not getting any eggs from my AMs. The son in law finally got around to coming and getting the ones I've been feeding for him for a couple months....of course those 4 were laying and now instead of getting 8-10 eggs a day I'm done to 4 or 5.

anyway, here's a couple weird ones:

bulls eye - no idea how she managed to lay this colored like this. I will say she stayed in the next a LONG time

these are the 4 eggs I collected today. usually these leghorns lay BIG eggs if anything is strange about the size. This one is tiny!

the shell is good, not soft at all. I'm going to guess this is just a yolk, or not much 'white' in there at all
My hens have also been laying just like normal.  Chilly weather never seems to bother them.  I guess we are not far enough north for weather to interfere.

It's not the cold weather that makes hens stop laying in the winter, it's the shortening daylight hours. Most breeds need 14 hours of daylight to produce eggs. Right now we have less than 12 hours. Some people add lights on timers to add the additional light.
It's not the cold weather that makes hens stop laying in the winter, it's the shortening daylight hours. Most breeds need 14 hours of daylight to produce eggs. Right now we have less than 12 hours. Some people add lights on timers to add the additional light.
starting tomorrow, the days will begin to get longer, today was the shortest day of the year! YAY I'm already so OVER it getting dark so early

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