My BA went missing yesterday while free ranging and we heard no hawks or anything yesterday and I think she's done gone off and started a clutch. Because they are known to be broody, too. My friend had her BO walk off and go missing then 4 weeks later she showed up with 10 more additions to the flock.
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I live in the north Georgia mountains! I have two heritage RIRs, and One BCM rooster for sale, please contact me for more info, if you are interested!
getting some cochin eggs so flippin excited! and how nice people can be it's just great. Beth thanks for asking sylvia. what color are the cochins btw?
It's Becky...and the ones I hatched from her eggs were black and yellow chicks and she has some green eggs from one hen that mostly hatched yellow chicks. That hen is not cochin, but the chicks all ended up with their daddy's fuzzy feet. Her eggs are really big, too! So what you will get are some brown full cochin eggs and some green that will have a cochin dad and (not sure what the hen was, but she was white with black on her)

Here are just a few of the babies you will hatch! So cute! And, the green eggs you will get should hatch out some olive eggers for you....The ones with the pea combs should be olive eggers. You will have so much fun with these babies! Sylvia just left with all the ones I hatched out for her and I already feel lost.....hahaha, there are only 8 left in my brooder! But after having 18 in there....it looks almost empty! Anyway, have fun and if you have questions call me or Sylvia.
JoTaylor if it were human, I woiuld say it has Morgellan's Disease... Honestly after seeing thousands of birds, I have never seen that!!!.... At the risk of seeming a bit strange and I am... :} Have you tried pulling it out. Could it have nailed it self on some wire some how?
Well guys just got some Bob White Quail today. Excited about that. Also got 6 EE's pipped so babies tonight!!
I sure wished you lived closer. I would be so tempted to get some of those EE eggs from you! On second thought, maybe its a good thing you don't live closer...because I would surly get some eggs from you and then I would be in deep trouble with DH!!!! He is screaming now about the ones we have! He loves the chickens, but hates what they do to the yard! The hostas, my beautiful hostas, can't even get big enough to grow! Eaten down to the nubs, every one of them! I am trying to think of a way to protect them. Any ideas out there?
Sooo excited I got babies popping out like popcorn in the incubator. Buffs orph, different breeds of bantams and tomorrow thur friday I have a pot luck of chicks to hatch polish americaunas marans silkies more buffs. Hopefully I will have full brooders by the weekend!

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