By the way, Robo, I saw the conversation between you and Flowerbh. No worries. If the friend took them back, I won't worry about getting them for now.
After being online on a news page as an admin during the revolution I had to really cut back my online involvement as well. I was a mental wreck and my kids still dont let me watch any news and ive moved away from any activists roles. Between blood pressure, moving, losing my son and being here without my husband I go on a mental roller coaster around the 18th of each month. I think everyone has a breaking point. Its good when someone knows their limits. I have a girlfriend in the states who threatened to kill herself every year until we got to where when depression hit her along with her migraines we would go shopping together or out for ice cream and I would just be her ear. She misses me dearly now. Being 8 hours ahead and scant internet makes it harder plus hubby can only contact us at his work computer. When my son was killed telling people on facebook to go let him know was difficult. Not the best way but the only way I had. I know a few other american women here but we are scattered and many dont drive. Im hoping to meet more often once I get my own place. My kids often ask why i go online to post notes on forums for people who arent even in my time zone. Well at least there is no language barrier. Take care all its my dinnertime.
By the way, Robo, I saw the conversation between you and Flowerbh. No worries. If the friend took them back, I won't worry about getting them for now.
I just hatched them for her. I think she wants to sell some. The Golden Cuckoo Marans are pretty rare. Really nice birds. PM me if you want her phone number.
Good Morning! I also started a hatch this month and they should hatch on the 5th of May. I've never done it before so it's fun. I am going to candle mine on the tenth day. What kind of chicks will you get? I'll have a barnyard assortment.
I have no clue what they'll be and it's driving me crazy! lol A friend gave me the eggs for free, but it was dark when I got there so I couldn't see what she had and she doesn't know what she has. I believe all of hers have come from Tractor Supply. I'll be driving everyone on the forum crazy with "what are these" pictures I'm sure :) I've candled mine and my advice is to be in a completely pitch black room, I could see so much more then. Let me know how it goes~
The feed store in Fairburn has chicks...Cuckoo Maran pullets, straight run Yokahamas, RIR, and Barred Rocks. They also have a bunch of ducks. Not sure what kind they were and the guy who knows what's going on was busy so I didn't get to ask. They were black with yellow markings. Not sure if that helps lol...I know nothing about ducks.
I have no clue what they'll be and it's driving me crazy! lol A friend gave me the eggs for free, but it was dark when I got there so I couldn't see what she had and she doesn't know what she has. I believe all of hers have come from Tractor Supply. I'll be driving everyone on the forum crazy with "what are these" pictures I'm sure :) I've candled mine and my advice is to be in a completely pitch black room, I could see so much more then. Let me know how it goes~

Haha! Well some of mine will be a mystery but I do know their Moms and Dads. Can't wait to see what you have there. I'll try to remember about the dark room.

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