Hello all got a question I just wormed my chicken with wazene wormer it says not to eat eggs for a mouth is this true I've had people tell me to not worry about just eat them that what they did what is your say on this thanks
Hello all got a question I just wormed my chicken with wazene wormer it says not to eat eggs for a mouth is this true I've had people tell me to not worry about just eat them that what they did what is your say on this thanks

There's residue in the eggs however slight. It's possible a person could be sensitive and have a reaction to piperazine. The bottle states that there's a 14 day slaughter withdrawal period. If the chicken is good to eat after 14 days, so are the eggs. It's up to you if you want to eat the eggs.
It is official. I have passed on the singing incubator from hell to @ChickAdee317 and some Maran eggs. I am betting she does a better job than I did with it. (I hatched 3 out of it!) It is so tempermental and needs to be babied to keep it at the right temp.

On a different note, beyond getting lucky with a net, any idea how to catch some tab poles or full grown bull frogs out of a dead green pool that threatens to eat you when you go near it? LOL We caught some in the spring but didn't catch any tonight!
That is a great looking poultry home! Do you have more breeds of chickens than those shown? Just wondering cuz chicken math ya know- if there's more space there's room for more chickens!:)
And then there were 2. So Peppar passed last night. She was the hopeless broody that finally stopped yesterday. She fell off the nesting box in the middle of the night. Now there is 1 chicken in a large coop meant for 8 chickens and 1 chicken in a small coop made for 4 chickens. Poor Sugar is by herself now and has been staying close to Cinnamons little coop. She was to some degree by herself for the past month, but Cinnamon would fly back into town when she wanted. On the upside, Cinnamon is doing better. She is on Tetracycline by water and the spray that I forgot the name of.
Rant starts here* This is a bad year for the animals in our household. First it was Peppar, she cut her foot on something in February. Then it was Gouda, he caught a random flu in April. Then it was Princess Cleo, she got a Mareks or Mareks type disease and passed away. Then it was Marcos, the groomer shaved his face too close so he scratched both sides of his face open, had to wear a cone for a month, and was on some anti itch med in June. Then it was Chego, he got into a fight with another cat and being the high on catnip kinda cat he is, let the cat beat him up and he got his leg infected, had that drained, that was June too. Then it was Cinnamon, on Saturday she got attacked by a dog and is on antibiotics and a spray. Then it was Peppar, she fell off the roosting pole last night and passed. What next? Please just let us make it through the rest of this year with ALL of the animals we have left!!! *rant over... Ok much better, thanks for letting me vent
Then it was Marcos, the groomer shaved his face too close so he scratched both sides of his face open, had to wear a cone for a month, and was on some anti itch med in June.

Yeah years ago i took my little Cocker in to get groomed, the next day he started scratching his side and in no time tore all of the hair off. I stupidly wondered if it was a food allergy etc... turns out he got sarcoptic mange at the groomers! The groomer must have not sterilized his shears/combs well enough between animals. Ack! Yeah I got it too (though it can't reproduce on people and only lasts a couple of weeks, but oh my god it itched soooooo bad).

Sorry to hear about your chickens, I lost 3 this year too, they were gorgeous healthy adolescents and one by one they would suddenly become ill and be dead within hours (each incident separated by weeks). I didn't realize how fragile these little guys can be!
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My central AC broke yesterday. Had to buy a window unit to make the bedroom sleep-able. I now understand why my chickens don't wanna lay eggs. It freaking hot in south Georgia.

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