I know our birds all love floating fish food, too. The ducks and geese steal it from the fish and all of the birds scramble to get any that I may drop on the ground.

I just buy the 22% layer pellets.

But the fish don't like the chicken food. They are very high maintenance doncha know.
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I use either dog food or cat food. Cat food looks better because it sources more protein from actual animal sources than most dog food. But the dog food I buy has animal products as the main ingredients and has high protein, and the dog food bin is right next to the chicken food bin so I usually toss them dog food instead of cat food. Cat food is more expensive too. Our dog food comes from a local place that sources it's animal protein from another local place. So it's really high quality for the cheap price. I get it cheaper than Walmart brand.
Speaking of weather....strange weather.....have you guys heard of HAARP? It's our weather machine. It is located in Alaska. Well, actually, there are 8 locations now around the world. It is being used to control the weather and there is lots of talk about weather warfare. The Navy says that they will have total control of the weather in 2017. There are lots of articles about it on the internet. I have been following it for years. Go to You tube and download some of the info. Many think that the hurricane in FL this past month was guided by HAARP. They say they have proof of it. Anyway, everyone should be aware of this. It is not just a conspiracy theory, it is a real thing. Check it out.

Oh gracious I thought I was literate about the weather but I will have to check it out!
We don't get any TOTers so that is ok with me, live way out there. and yes we need rain. My yard is one big dust bowl and the dust in the house is crazy. We were supposed to have a bonfire sometime last month and doesn't look like it will happen this month either. It is too dry to burn anything that would scare me too smelling the leaves burning. When I water my flowers the water just hits the what used to be grass and little dust clouds puff up and the water just beads on top before it decides to try to sink in, but then underneath is still dry. We have cattle farmers that are having to truck in water and without a second cut we might see some very hungry if not starving animals. I talked to Gam a few weeks back and she said an agency is going out to help find water and drilling new wells for the cattle ranchers. Can't remember who she said was doing it with no charge. I can see the predators getting super active with food being scarce they are going to go for the easy kill. I haven't even put in my winter garden, windows are open crazy goings on.

Apparently as I understand it we are fully under total no burn ban. It's rough rough rough. I am so glad people are helping with drilling wells, it is so incredible. We've seen lots of weather farming but none this long without rain and with the heats.... I opened the windows a few times but I have asthma and pneumonia so I just shut them and turned on the air cleaners and when I go out now, I'm masked for surgery, I think I have at least three pounds of dirt in my lungs!!! And you are right the predators have gotten super active. Our hawks are still at population 4 for the farm, tops ever and the crows now abandoned our farm. They used to steal the duck eggs, but since the ducks were obliterated by panthers a few months back, it's slim pickings for them. So they have moved out all but 3. I watched the three chase the four hawks and they were defeated. So I guess I'm going to have to put blown out egg shells on the lawn to reattrack more crows so they will chase off the hawks. And recently heard owls....Yup predators are moving in for the season. Never really thought of that as a drought factor, heard of it after fires with forests destroyed. Live and Learn.... But I still try to put clothes out, but must air dry for at least five minutes in dryer and filter becomes clogged... HA! Blessings to all....

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