How are they to gut? It's such a pain gutting chickens and quails holes are so much smaller.
Last year I scalded/plucked and gutted like chickens just so I could have them whole with skin on for deep frying. Now, I skin them and cut up both sides of the backbone and pull everything out the back. 5 - 8 minutes from the cage to the cooler. We did 49 last Sat in just a few hours.
If only chickens were this easy.
Hey, wait a minute. You were supposed to get the publicity, and I was to get the cabinet bator! What happened to our deal? :lau
Well mulitquote doesn't seem to work, but since you two can't decide who gets it I will just solve the problem and take if for ya'll, there problem solved. and not fitting in the civic, I can take a seat out, trust me it will fit. :lau
Now for bath time, I really do love these ducks. The yellow one is so much bigger I have to fill the tub up just so he can float, it has yet to do underwater swimming but the brown one has that down pat and such awesome swimmer she is. I don't know the sex just guessing since the yellow one is so much bigger. I'm gonna get some feeder fish and throw in there and yes I scaled the tub after.


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