Crossing the Road
My wife has commented that a few of our eggs have weak yolks, though I gather multiple times daily, and maintain a high protein diet for them (and a very high, relatively speaking, diet early in their development). Her research led to the belief they weren't getting enough protein. I gather too many eggs, from too many similar-looking birds - to tell who laid what. So I've attempted to rationalize it by assuming that the weak yolks are associated with bird stress, in my case, molting + climate. We had a number of birds in long, early molts in conjunction with high heat + humidity this year, and the occurance of weak yolks seemed to correlate with that period. (Of course, I also had a feed change to an 18% non-GMO from my 20% mix)
Now that temps have moderated, and almost all my birds are done molting, the weak yolk is almost entirely a thing of the past. (But I've had another feed change...)
tl;dr? I don't know.
also, "Orpalorp". That's just fun to say.
Now that temps have moderated, and almost all my birds are done molting, the weak yolk is almost entirely a thing of the past. (But I've had another feed change...)
tl;dr? I don't know.
also, "Orpalorp". That's just fun to say.