You people are RIGHT!


General Headache
13 Years
Jun 22, 2009
The Sovereign State of NC
Chickens ARE an addiction! I never believed it until yesterday. What brought this up is that we've begun selling some of our birds' eggs to a friend. We were looking at our 4 RIRs and all of a sudden my dad goes, "You know, I'd kind of like to expand our little chicken operation." My mom agrees. Now, if we can find a somewhat cheaper way to build a new coop, we're probably going to get more birds!
I pointed out that you guys (here on BYC) have been warning about this all the time, and Mom agrees that they are sort of addictive.

I'd also like to say thanks for all the help you've given, intentionally or not.
We'd have some dead birds if it weren't for you.
I'd love to add a couple more birds. The In Laws are loving getting eggs, actually FIL banned MIL from using ours for baking "those are for eating", but we usually only get 21/wk... for us four... and them... it's a stretch.

Of course, if we were looking to add specifically baking eggs, well that'd open the duck box.

Unfortunately the law here is four of any Galliformes total, so can't have four of each.
I envy you folks who've got the freedom to expand if you want to.
I was JUST trolling Craigslist to see if there were any "must haves".....not that I need any. Fourteen is a nice number.....
Now that the weather is cooling off the hubby and I are getting a bit more serious about building a coop. Can't wait! We've haven't had chickens in years and I'm gathering the tools he can never seem to find.
I'll look into it, but I'm not sure if that would work. Due to the size of our yard, we have to go with chicken tractors. Man, you can always tell where the birds have been. It's like a tiny nuke detonated there.

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