Young Chicks and Artificial Turf


Apr 20, 2022
Tomorrow, my chicks will be two weeks old, and moving to the coop, where they will have more room, and a bit more ventilation. My coop has sand in it, but the nesting boxes (which they will have access to, no hens in coop now), will have artificial turf mats, that I can rotate out, keeping washed. My question: Is it ok to put the mats in now (in lieu of sand), so they can get used to them, and make it easier to clean the boxes? Or will the chicks peck at and eat the artificial turf?

Thanks for any advice.
I don't think artificial turf will be a problem, chicks and chickens in general aren't chewers. Be careful with the sand however, young chicks can gorge on it at first if they don't know any better.

Enjoy your chicks!
Thank you.

So far, so good, with both. I haven't seen any more than the occassional nibble on sand. But they already love their sand baths!

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