Youngest pullet to lay an egg?

Idk, my EEs were my first panters, surprisingly my buff orpington Juniper is the most heat tolerant of the bunch which is surprisingly as they're usually on the list of breeds not known for heat hardiness
Well, if you saw my Wyandottes next to the Easter Eggers, you would see how much bigger and fluffier they are 😂 they're like puff balls in comparison. They definitely make more of their own heat!
Something I did notice is a behavior change. They seem to be VERY chatty lately. Way more talkative than before. Has anyone observed this as a sign before laying an egg?
I did notice that actually. They got more talkative with each other and got especially talkative when I would go to see them. I don't remember how far before they started laying it began. it was close though.
It's official!!! 23 weeks old today and I got my first egg!!!

Pretty sure it's from my Blue Australorp. So excited!!!


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