Your 2024 Garden

After all the hoopla over rain coming our way today we didn't get enough to settle a dozen dust particles. Had it been toxic rain it would not have been strong enough to make a bug drunk much less killed it. Weather is saying we have a better than 50% chance for rain for about 6 more days. I'm skeptical until I see it in a bucket.
Starting another day at 79f and very muggy. They are calling for some storms later.
Looking out the window I think I see some drizzles.
Praying for showers.

On a positive note, I've got all the green beans I had picked in the freezer. Hope to pick more tomorrow. It will be a few degrees cooler. Only supposed to be 71f at daybreak.
Last night at 9:30pm!


Showers and thunderstorms are predicted for today...we'll see...
Well it finally rained here. Raining still. Great napping weather. I can respond to the gentle thunder and falling rain on the roof. I will not be watering for at least 5 days now. We have enough clay in soil here to help hold the water. One of the top priorities now is to get the corn patch fenced with 20,000 volts of raccoon stopping deterrent. Also need to get on a program to stop the multiple kinds of worms that got into our early corn. I think the worms got more than we did of the early corn.
Nothing done in any of the garden patches today but tomatoes, beans, peppers, and maybe a few zipper cream peas will be gathered tomorrow. I got my new stainless steel pump up sprayer today and some liquid Sevin for the sweet corn worms that ate more of the first crop than we did. I'm going to war against them. Decades ago I planted 5 acres of stock corn and didn't get an ear due to corn borers that riddles every stalk in the field. Never again will that happen.

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