Your 2024 Garden

It will be hit or miss for rain today all around us. We may not get a drop and we may get 2" more than we need. It's way to wet now to even inspect the gardens but if is doesn't rain we will be harvesting after lunch time. Thunderheads are looming all around us at the moment. One thing that I can work on this afternoon unless raining is to drive posts in the ground for the electric fence on property perimeters for keeping chicken and garden predators going on down the road to the neighbors place to shop for food.
No rain, still hot, humid.

I watered the melon beds, leaves were wilting.

One cantaloupe:

Two watermelons!

I picked six more plum tomatoes, the German Johnsons are all green.
I best put some shoes on and pick some eggplant for supper along with the peppers. Ma and #2D have already picked the Roma II green beans earlier so if I don't get my stuff picked I'll never hear the end of it. It's only 96° out there in full sun so only a wimp would stay inside in the cool with a temp that cool.
After I brought in several eggplant I have to wait until tomorrow for it to get fixed. I was delighted to find bright red cayenne pepper along with some poblano and jalapeno. I saw plenty of zipper cream peas that are within a couple of days of being ready for cooking.

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