Your 2024 Garden

I wanted to order seeds now, to sow within the week. I already have to deal with so many dysfunctional entities in my professional tasks and personal duties, so I don't want to add one more.
Oh, I completely understand.

I like supporting small companies; I worked for one or another for most of my working life.

I also like supporting Seed Saver's Exchange, as I think they do very important work, keeping heirloom varieties viable and available.
@LTAY1946 , how did your runner beans do this year? I'm thinking about planting some next year, mainly because they are a perennial type of bean. In some zones the tuber can be left in the ground and will grow the next year. Or the tubers can be dug up in the fall and replanted the next year.
Unfortunately none of the several runner and pole beans I planted the same day germinated. I suspect the triple digit heat for a couple of days right after planting did them all in. If only one package of seed didn't germinate I would thing the blame would be back seed but for 3 different kinds of seed to not germinate I'm at a loss for a real absolute reason for a disaster. I'm really glad I didn't jump the gun and put the trellis up.
Unfortunately none of the several runner and pole beans I planted the same day germinated. I suspect the triple digit heat for a couple of days right after planting did them all in. If only one package of seed didn't germinate I would thing the blame would be back seed but for 3 different kinds of seed to not germinate I'm at a loss for a real absolute reason for a disaster. I'm really glad I didn't jump the gun and put the trellis up.

I will plant more of the same runner beans next year. KY Wonder, the Scarlet runner beans, and King of the Garden Lima beans. I will not plant Blue Lake Runner beans. They produced poorly here.
Too bad your runner beans didn't germinate. I wonder if they taste similar to regular green beans.
Waiting for my seeds to arrive...

Spotty germination in all the beds, but the rutabaga seeds from Baker Creek did best, go figure.

Snap peas

Collards, leaf lettuce, Swiss chard, and beets, with my tomato sucker plant!
This week I started transplanting the collards, cabbage and broccoli plants. I seeded a row of 2 types of mustard. I still have more to plant but need to clean out another area.

Still have dry beans to shell out for eating and seed saving.

This morning we are getting light rain. No watering for me today.

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