Your 2024 Garden

Sometimes if there are lots of aphids on the plants I will spray the plants down good with the water hose every 2-3 days. It seems to work as well as chemicals.
I will occasionally use permethrin but try to spray when the bees are not active. I don't usually see many bees on summer peas. They may be self pollinating, not sure.
I like both Sevin and Permethrin. l always wait until it is almost dark after the bees have gone home to use either. Both become inert by morning and are harmless to anything. The things my grandparents used would last a week. I had an uncle that liked to make movies and one of the ones he made was of me walking behind my grandfather with one of the old big brass back pack dusters filled with DDT leaving a cloud of dust that I was walking through. After that didn't work later while out playing in our yard I walked over next door and found a container filled with DDT mixed in liquid form. The neighbor was using it to doctor ants in his yard and had set it down. I guess it must have looked good to drink so I drank it. I don't remember any of this but I was reminded of it may times as my parents told others not to leave stuff like this unattended. After drinking it my parents took me to have my stomach pumped.
I have white flies in my collards...
They are another pain in the butt this time of year.

I have used the hose spraying on white fly also. A pump sprayer with water a few drops of Dawn dish soap helps too. Do it a couple times a week until you get them controled. Make sure to get the underside of the leaves.
Something gnawed my collard leave down to the veins. :( Whatever it is is leaving the chard alone, at least.
My chickens eat collards this way. When I give them collards they leave these lacy looking veins and stems in the run. :lau

In my garden I would first think slugs. Beer trap?
This must have been an awful experience for you.
I was just a toddler and have no memories of it. One other time I climbed up a tangerine tree at my grand parents place and ate so many they took be to the local hospital and the emergency room pumped my stomach again. No memories of that either. I do remember when I was older climbing that same tangerine tree and eating them until I couldn't hold any more of them.
I planted some tangerine (Satsuma) trees here in AL but I wasn't prepared for 15° nights two years ago and lost them. I will not plant another one until I have a water line underground to the trees so I can run micro jet sprinklers under the trees putting out 72° heat. I've got a couple of months to build a frame work over my banana trees to keep them from being killed back to ground level again.
I don't know how many are familiar with the USDA rules for growing organic produce for sale but they have a list of the new insecticides & fungicides that can be used and the produce can still bear the organic label.
I think spinosad is on that list?
I have only read a little about it. Thinking of trying it.
I wonder how well it works?

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