Your 2025 Garden

If I were to hire a fast talking friend to talk to mine would they grow faster..... Inquiring minds need to know.
Turn on a radio. My plants and chickens like the oldies station. Plants grow better and chickens lay more eggs! :gig Says this "old wife". I think I get more work done too.

I've got this wild idea of mixing a tiny bit of Carolina Reaper powder with some smoked paprika powder and put the Devil in Deviled Eggs.
If you serve these on 4th of July you will get free fireworks.
We're slowly warming up. Very slowly. Verrryyyy slooowlyyy.


I like these temps. Bring it on! I wanna get the ball rolling!
Yesterday I moved the cabbage to the greenhouse. I need to separate a couple when I plant them in the ground.

Collards from last fall are still green even after 2 snows and lows in the teens. They are forming a flower head in the center of the plants to set seed. I have plenty to eat in the freezer and don't need to save seed this year. I cut 3 plants and put them in the chicken's run. Instant party!

Ladybug enjoying the sunshine.

I had planted my green peas a few weeks ago. I figured the snow and cold wet ground had rotted the seed.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this! A nice full row on both sides of the fence.
I've had tomato limbs get heavy and lay on the ground and take root with out any help at all. I suspect a stem could be rooted in tap water. I've never tried it but if I remember I will later once I have some pruned off stems to work with.
I've had tomato limbs get heavy and lay on the ground and take root with out any help at all. I suspect a stem could be rooted in tap water. I've never tried it but if I remember I will later once I have some pruned off stems to work with.
I have rooted tomato cuttings either in a glass of water or by inserting the cutting into a pot of moist potting soil.

I prefer doing the air layers because you already have roots before you take the cutting.

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