Your Celebrity Crush

Cara, you brought tears to my eyes...I miss Chris!!!
Talk about a man's man, and a woman's man....
What a fun thread! I like them at least over 30. I agree with many such as Robert Downey Jr., Hugh Jackman, Mark Harmon, Jensen Ackles (my youngest crush), but got to say I adore David Boreanaz (from Bones and Angel). He looks so much like my hubby
when we met almost twenty years ago except DH had lighter hair (salt & pepper now though!). My girlfriends were so jealous at the time as I always said I didn't want to get married. His wonderful and gentle nature won them all over though and they forgave me for catching "a keeper."
Zooey Deschanel and Tina Fey are my main crushes right now. I think they're gorgeous and I always love the personalities of the characters they play. Every time I see one of them on screen I tell my SO that if I ever leave him for somebody else, that's who to blame.
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I'm loving this thread! Now I don't waste my time obsessing over celebs, but there are a few I have little crushes on!
First and foremost:
AXL ROSE!!!!!!!!-Ok, not now, since he is old and looks like a creep, but back in 87' [I wasn't even born yet mind you] he was HOTT. Makes me want to drool all over myself. He seems like a prick though, but still VERY attractive back then, I would pay anything to go back in time right now just to fondle his hair. LOVE IT! My dream boyfriend.....
Kurt Cobain-When he grew his hair out before he died, he was schmexy! Great eyes, nice skin, and again, LOVE the hair.
Bret Michaels-NOT attractive now, but back in the 80's, he very much so was! He just oozed ''cute''.
Shaun White-He is the definition of ''cool''. He looks sooooo good [hair, clothes, smile, etc], and he seems like such a nice guy.
Johnny Depp-Of course.
Hmmm.....I'm a big GnR's fan, and I can't remember his name, but back in the old GnR lineup [before Axl became greedy and everyone left] the guitarist with the blonde crazy hair was REALLY hot.
Dave Grohl [frontman of the Foo Fighters]-As DUMB as this sounds, with me being so Christian, the guy looks like a very hot Jesus.
Jeez, I have interesting tastes
And all 7 guys I just named off have/had long hair. Hmmmm.....
Oh, and I am NOT a lesbian, and I don't even believe in gay marraige, but Megan Fox is pretty hot

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