Yow! Roosters bite.

gritsar, I love your roo reform page - thank you! Dwight is one of three roos I am rehoming this weekend because I just have too many boys (6!) for my 9 girls. The rooster-overload may be a substantial part of his behavior -- there's a lot of constant tension and drama with that many boys. If I were keeping him, I'd definitely try your reform school program.

I also love the Rede in your signature...I try to live this every day.
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The first batch that I got, 6 total, 4 roos! Someone saw a sucker and off loaded the suspect chicks on me, how nice...anyhoo, my beautiful EE roo, Dallas, used to bite onto my knee and then whap the %$*& out of my ankle...he would sneak up quietly so he could get close enough...very smart little beautiful booger.
Took him to the fair and did well, brought him home, he was being all nice, no whapping...then the *%^% racoons broke into his pen and ate him! darn...i miss my beautiful booger.
Now I only keep bantam boys...they hurt less...
I've got to read that un-boogerfying thread though...love to not get whapped at all!
It DID hurt, I was really surprised about that. Teeth apparently aren't required for a good hard bite.

Nope they dont need teeth, they do the grap, pinch and turn... and then they let go and it hurts for about 25 min and then they go and laugh about it with there friends

Gotta love em !!!!!
(says that over and over ) please stay a sweetie please stay a sweetie

my mom says he is a demon in a chicken suit

even tho he is the nicest little chicken to me
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