Everything You Need To Have Chickens

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Hey Happy Chicken Farmers! In this article, we will be going over everything you will need to get started raising chickens! Without further ado, let's begin.

First off, you need a safe place to keep your chickens, but it depends on what age you are starting at. If you just bought some fresh chicks, you are going to want a smaller trough-like tub to put them in. Either buy a feeding trough, build your makeshift one at home, or go to the link in the "Note" section. If you are purchasing full-grown hens, purchase a coop. Make sure to look at your county's rules about chickens and animals to make sure it is legal to have chickens and a certain number. Depending on how many chickens you have, a great brand for coops is Omlet. (Link in notes). To maintain healthy, non-bored chickens, I recommend having 10sqft per chicken. Omlet has many options for different sizes, good prices, and smart working feeders and doors. Omlet coops come with the feeder, drinker, and cover all for free. With Omlet, you can easily press a peddle and move the coop wherever you'd like. And, Omlet comes with an automatic door so that even while you're gone, the chickens can still get in and out easily! Omlet coops even come with an attached run that can open up so that your hens and roosters can free-range. Whatever coop you choose, make sure it can protect all your chickens and provide them with enough space.

Next, if your coop doesn't already come with feeders, make sure to grab some large ones from the store! I recommend buying Tractor Supply feeders. It works for food and water and holds 15lb. It can hang from your coop and refill once water gets low. (Link in the Notes section). If you are starting with baby chicks and not full-grown hens, buy a smaller feeder. (Link in the Notes section). Make sure that there is nothing for chicks to drown in. For good egg production, and healthy chicks and chickens, make sure to buy natural food. Dumor Chick Starter feed is a great option for the little ones. Its organic and will help to grow strong and healthy chicks. For older chickens, Dumor Organic Egg Layer Crumbles are another good option. This will help with egg production and is a reasonable price. (Link for both in the Notes section).

Straw is important to have. Whether you are using pine or straw, or grass make sure there are no harsh chemicals sprayed on it. Otherwise, your eggs could be sitting in chemicals, as well as your chicken. Koop Clean Chicken Bedding. It is all-natural and sokes moisture quickly helps with smell and insulation. I recommend this brand of bedding for chicks as well. Another helpful bedding is Grounds All Natural Bedding. It is 100% Organic and Natural and made from only ground coffee beans. It is a natural pest repellant and keeps the coop clean longer. It helps with smell, and moisture as well. It is especially good for chicks. Scratch is also good to have as a tasty treat but is optional. (Links in the Notes section).

Next up are some good medicines and repellents to have handy. Small Pet Select Chick Grit is amazing to have in handy, for older chickens, and especially chicks. Grit is used to help chickens break down food faster and keep their digestive system happier! Poultry Probiotics Balanced Mix Chickens and Ducks supplement is a great option for more extra-strong eggshells and eggs. It can be mixed into their food daily or weekly. The supplement also improves a healthy digestive system and immune system. Built for all ages of chickens, made for geese and ducks too! The last supplement I recommend having is Rooster Booster Pick-No-More Lotion. This helps to heal wounds and clean the area. It is non-stinging and will help to grow back feathers. (All links are in the Notes section). As there are many other supplements you can order, these are some good ones to have in handy.

Last but not least, there are some miscellaneous items that you may choose to buy, but they are optional. The first is your egg basket. You can choose from so many options of egg baskets, but I do recommend getting one to avoid dropping eggs between the coop and your kitchen! You will need something to store your eggs in. This can be anything from egg cartons to countertop egg holders. I dry-wash my eggs, and you can visit my other article on the pros and cons of dry washing eggs, and how to. Then, if you choose to give your chickens something fun, go ahead and buy some chicken toys! You can choose between swings, instruments, random hanging toys, and more. This will give your chicken something fun to do and will decrease boredom. Your chickens shouldn't be bored no matter what, but if they are and began pecking each other, I recommend trying out some toys! Another important thing to have if needed is a heat lamp. If you have baby chicks you must have a heat lamp. Make sure your chick coop can hold a heat lamp. If you live in a cold area, or it is winter, if needed you can put your heat lamp in your hens chicken coop as well. (Links in the Notes section).

There are always more things you can purchase for your chickens. But if you are just getting started, or don't know where to start, this article has hopefully helped you get the basics. Chickens are truly easy, and though it may seem overwhelming at first, after some time you will get the hang of it! I have another article mentioning a daily chicken routine, and another one talking about how to dry wash eggs. Go check them out if you want!


Links to coops:
1. Baby Starter Chicken Coop with Heat Lamp.
https://www.chewy.com/farm-innovators-baby-chick-starter/dp/312295?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12692464057&utm_content=Farm Innovators&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz6J1KrYo_piw4K1QIj3GsNxZIsdY6ERDhvY2TO2nhxsv42h240nsxcaAlELEALw_wcB

2. Omlet Chicken Coop for Older Chickens

Feeders and Drinkers:
1. Tractor Supply Hanging Feeder/Drinker (Buy two, one for food and one for a drink).

2. Baby Chick Feeder/Drinker (Buy two, one for food and one for a drink).

1. Dumor Chick Starter Feed

2. Dumor Organic Egg Layer Crumbles

Chicken Bedding:
1. Koop Clean Chicken Bedding

2. Grounds All Natural Bedding

1. Small Pet Select Chick Grit

2. Poultry Probiotics Daily Mix Chickens and Ducks
https://www.chewy.com/fresh-eggs-daily-poultry-probiotics/dp/256482?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=15779676469&utm_content=Fresh Eggs Daily&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz6v03n3t28KHZ5CZjbjIRuQcaB3jCtesD2703Z8yGeZaENkVXARk_gaAlQBEALw_wcB

3. Rooster Booster Pick-No-More Lotion
https://www.chewy.com/rooster-booster-pick-no-more-cover-up/dp/260024?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=15779676469&utm_content=Rooster Booster&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz4Io8VQYZ7IAycLQ6sosE8uXk7f3JDl4b6GGAQ5OSTR53-k5JRNMYcaAqG9EALw_wcB

1. Egg Basket

2. Countertop Egg Storage

3. Chicken Toys

4. Heat Lamp
About author
-Isla June-
I have owned chickens for about 10 years, and have had other animals as well. And i LOVE chickens, whether in a pot of soup, or in my backyard, they make me happy every day! I enjoy writing easy routines for you and your hen to keep both of you happy and healthy.

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Pretty good article, one link didn't work. Nice explanation and suggestions!
Good explanations and references where to purchase items to help make a happy chicken
This article could really benefit from more pictures and references.
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Isla June
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