
  1. B

    Bantam batch breeds

    First time having baby chicks, I got 3 random furry feet bantams hoping they were silkies but they all have 4 toes so clearly not lol. Wondering what breeds they are and maybe genders? Obviously nothing is certain til they’re grown but the guessing and watching is part of the fun. I *think* I’ve...
  2. T

    Mille fleur x blue Cochin

    So I wanted to get blue Mille fleurs cochins, I only have chciks as of right now. If I wanted to cross a blue over a Mille fleur, i know it wouldn’t be achieved in the first generation, should I breed that generation to the sibling or one of the parents?? If i was to cross a millefleur/blue...
  3. T

    Anyone want to take a guess on gender,color variation?

  4. T

    Bearded polish to non bearded polish.

    Hello so I have Two polish chicks. One is bearded,I was wondering if I were to cross them will I get bearded/non-bearded polish?
  5. T


    If I crossed a naked neck x cochin, is it better to cross the offspring with the nacked neck or the Cochin? Or should I cross the offspring together?
  6. RossBantams

    Ross Bantams Introduction

    Hello all! Here is my introduction. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to chickens, but I am still new-ish to ducks. I got my first chickens back in 2014. I started with a pair of Old English Game bantams. I then started showing birds. Once I went to...
  7. T_T_913

    New to this chicken thing

    I joined this group looking for small breed seramas and OE bantams. My kids love the small birds. Looking for all white seramas in the Kansas City area. Thanks!
  8. vempst

    chick breed. unknown father

    hey guys, sorry im doing a double forum post as i just posted a question about a different one of my adult chickens, i figured i'd also ask about my first hatch. it's a product of my hen (suspected silver laced cochin) and either one of my roosters, which is a golden buff silkie named sam, and a...
  9. Timbers Happy Hens

    Broody hen, temp too cold?

    My silkie hen just decided she wanted to brood some eggs. My question is, will it be too cold once they hatch? Is it too cold for her to even successfully incubate? It’s and 35 degrees Fahrenheit here at night and 50 during the day. On another note I’m not even sure she can brood in the coop...
  10. Galaxy_rules

    Bantam polish frizzle breeders Canada?

    Hello, I have recently fallen in love with bantam frizzle polish chickens, I am located in british Colombia and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get some. Let me know!
  11. Emrosenagel

    Hen kicked pipped egg

    Hello! My broody left her nest for a romp and snack, so I went to check the eggs (day 19) and saw one had pipped! Heard some peeps too, very cute. But when she got back in the nest, she basically kicked the poor thing and it rolled over. And then she scooped it back under her. I expect hens...
  12. A

    Breeding blue egg laying Olandsk Dwarfs?

    Hi all, So I recently fell in love with Olandsk Dwarfs. They are so pretty, and I just love the mille fleur coloring! They are a pretty scarce breed, so I am considering breeding them to the SOP and selling eggs and chicks. However, I also love colored eggs, and I was thinking of having a...
  13. gwells1980

    New Chicks please help

    I got 11 new chicks in from a hatchery; 5 Sultans, 2 Porcelain D'Uccles Bantams, 2 Marans, and 2 Easter eggers. Easter eggers can be tricky because they are a mix but I am hoping someone has had one like this before. Can anyone show me what it will look like when it is an adult? As you can...
  14. T

    Forgot to date silkie hatching eggs

    I was dumb and thought that I would remember what day I started incubating my silkie eggs. I did not remember and now I’m not sure how much longer they have. Could anyone take a guess based on pics? They are quite active. I saw feet and legs kicking and could see their individual toes inside the...
  15. RejectedSingleChick

    Help identifying gender of bantam chicken

    Hi, I have a 6month old mixed breed bantam chicken, who I have no idea whether they are a rooster or a hen though I am leaning more towards rooster. They are very dominant in the flock but have not crowed or laid an egg unlike their siblings from the same batch. Would love some other opinions on...
  16. N

    Hen with swollen eye!

    Hello everyone I'm new here! I have a Bantam that Is 10 months old and she currently has just 1 extremely swollen eye that's leaking yellow pus from both eyes. The last 3 1/2 months she has had this swelling that comes and goes frequently after a bout of fowl pox. 2 months ago it cleared up and...
  17. loyalcrowlist

    cockerel raising/fluffing up neck feathers but doesn't seem aggressive?

    Hi! So I have a bantam cockerel, he was hatched at the end of Sept. I've had cockerels before but I've never seen this exact type of behavior and I wanted to make sure I'm not missing a sign that he's uncomfortable or aggressive/upset. I included a picture of the neck fluff and then his...
  18. 20231126_150121.jpg


    Unknown farmer market find
  19. Some Praise for a Cheap Chicken Coop

    Some Praise for a Cheap Chicken Coop

    This small coop was purchased 6 years ago at the beginning of my chicken keeping adventures. It houses two to three standard size Wyandotte chickens, which is enough to keep two people in more eggs than we can eat. This coop is very well designed. You can access it all, cleaning it is easy...
  20. MetroMutt

    What is this birth defect called?

    So I recently adopted this young pullet(who may be a rooster as she sometimes crows despite looking like a hen, we are waiting till shes old enough to lay eggs to be sure) and she has a deformed leg, I'm 99% sure it's a birth defect but im unsure what it's called exactly as I can't find any info...
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