buff oprington

  1. CITYS84

    M/F?? buff Orpington chicks 5 weeks

  2. M

    Lethargic Sick Chicken - help!

    I have a 3 year old buff Orpington that we noticed had been a very swollen abdomen around the date of the 15th of March. Thinking she was possibly egg bound, we gave her an epsom salt bath but no change the next couple days. I then looked into the symptoms of water-belly. We ended up draining...
  3. Aldenallis

    Buff orps or …?

    I bought what was supposed to be BO from TS: then it dawned on my that their wing feathers are black and white. Is this a mix breed or even an Orpington at all?
  4. Lubowski

    Rehoming 3 month old Orpington Roos- Olympia,WA

  5. Indigopearl

    Anyone want to play guess that chick?

    I have 4 chicks that are 2w 2d old from what I believe to be a cream legbar roo and for sure buff orpington hen. I do know there's no real way to tell at this point but I enjoy guessing and since these are my first chicks ever, thought I'd enlist some more experienced guessers to play along! My...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Pinched Nerve from Egg?

    Meet my best friend in the universe, Glory. Whenever she sees me, she literally runs into my arms for cuddles (not exaggerating). I love her so darn much. She is a 4 year old BO. Every once in the blue moon, an egg moving through Glory's system seems to cause a temporary pinched nerve. As a...
  7. S

    Gender of 5ish week Buff Orpington

    I believe I brought this one home around the end of March, it was the only BO in the 7 chicks I purchased - the other 6 were black australorps, 5 of those were roosters lol - so I don’t really have any BO this age to compare it to I do have some BO pullets that I brought home at the end of April...
  8. B

    Sick 4 year old hen, purple face and trouble breathing.

    I have a four year old hen who has been sick for the last week and a half. Her face and comb are purple but don't look swollen up and she's breathing very heavily, especially when she's sitting down. She's been acting sluggish but she's still been eating and drinking, although a little less than...
  9. sweetzombie23

    Newbie (big b & midge) my darlings

  10. 79F02921-D553-43DE-BC8D-00FBCB0C9E05.jpeg


    Buff Orpington hen 5 years old named Butterscotch
  11. TandJ77

    Greetings from the newbie to the group!

    Hello everyone! I’m Joni and I live in Florida with my hubby, 2 dogs, and 13 chickens. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens for the past 15 years (pets only). (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have 13. (3) What breeds do...
  12. faithyea4

    Chicken with Wry neck - currently treating - is there anything else I can do?

    Hi all, I have a buff Orpington hen with wry neck. She’s under two years old and slowly it’s gotten worse, so I’ve isolated her from the other hens in a dog crate with water, food and I’ve been feeding her egg and sunflower seeds mixed together with vitamin E supplement. Right now it is...
  13. T

    This is CLEARLY not a Buff Orpington

    Picked up what I thought was a buff Orpington rooster but he went from looking like a young buff to suddenly this massive lanky ginger. I still think it’s half buff based on a few things but what could he be crossed with? Also if my hens are full and he’s half will they have 3/4 buff chickens?
  14. Quacking ducks

    Rooster’s comb

    I have a silkie/buff Orpington rooster and his comb isn’t straight, the back of it is layed over the side of his head and over his left eye. I thought it was just the way rooster are, but I saw other roosters and they go straight back. Is this a problem? Thank you
  15. Krisschicks

    My chickens

    Hello! I am super new to owning chickens and I bought four chicks and raised them. I have a black polish, a red frizzle, a puff Orpington and an Americana. I’m not sure what to expect regarding either hen or rooster behavior but my three, other than my red frizzle, always run up on one another...
  16. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    5 week old chicks; help identifying sex please?

    Hello fellow backyard chicken keepers! I have my first flock, just about 5 weeks old (the Easter Egger is a week older). I got the chicks from a homestead that claimed they were all pullets, but I suspect that I have one, possibly two (or more??) cockerels amongst my six chicks. I would love to...
  17. picklestheduck

    What breed is this fella?

    He was sold as a buff orpington in the senior chicks bin at Family Farm and Home. I hand picked them out, and picked 3 with smaller looking combs, although its stil hard to tel, but this fella ran up to me while the others ran away and he pecked my hand with his litte baby braveness so I just...
  18. PNWhens

    Hatching eggs arrived in the mail, must I wait a bit before placing them into the incubator?

    Good morning, I just received some eggs from from Meyer's Hatchery. On their website it says to wait 12 hours to place eggs into incubator upon receipt of shipment. What is the reason for this? When i opened the box, they felt cold to the touch and it worried me a bit. They are Buff Orpington...
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