jersey giant

  1. Emrosenagel

    Jersey Giant question

    Hello! I got four Jersey giant chicks four weeks ago, and I have a question for anyone familiar with the breed. I’ve noticed, compared to the other chicks I’ve raised, these girls look rough feather-wise. It’s like their bodies are growing too fast for their feathers? One in particular is a...
  2. F

    7 week old roo or hen?

    This is a jersey giant. I'm guessing roo, as I see saddle feathers and his tail feathers are much bigger and fuller than his siblings. I'll attach a pic of one of his siblings suspected to be a hen (bottom pic) also wanted to know what age i can put them outside? I was guessing 10 weeks to be sure
  3. OldSchoolSarge

    They're black Australorp...or are they?!?!

    Hey all! Recently picked up some chicks from TSC (bad idea, I know!), including 4 that are supposed to be black australorp, but 1 of the 4 looks different than the other 3. This caused me to obsessively research all the different possibilities and I've come to the conclusion that I either ended...
  4. H

    Help!!! Crooked Beak Baby!!!

    I just got a Jersey Giant chick 5 days ago (Making her 6 days old as of today)... Today I noticed that she has a crooked beak /scissor beak. This is my first time owning this breed AND having crooked / scissor beak. I've done some Googling / Youtubing on the matter and now I'm coming to my...
  5. E

    My jersey giant is broody?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping backyard chickens. Currently have two Delawares and three Jersey Giants. All of them started laying end of October and early November. Today I noticed one of the JGs sitting in the nesting box, figured she was taking her time laying her egg but she was there still in the...
  6. Jstaz

    Roosting Jersey Giant

    My Jersey Giant hens are not getting the point to roost on the bars in the coop. I have various roost heights. Plenty of roosting space. These are the first JG I have had so I am learning about that breed still. They keep roosting in my nests. I had blocked the nests off for weeks and they still...
  7. m1chelle1

    Black Jersey Giant with BLUE eyes?? 👀

    Have had JG’s for years. I got these JG chicks from Hoover hatchery to refresh my flock…..this is the first I’ve ever seen with blue eyes. All mine have always had brown. Even my blue and splash JG’s have brown eyes. Anyone ever seen this before?
  8. Montymoo

    Gender worry

    I am new here and new to chickens. Exactly one week New. Lol. We have 4 in total. Black Jersey Giant- no clue of age Cochin also no clue of age but the leg feathers are coming in. 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes hatched 7/24 Questions: Any guesses as to the age of the Jersey out Cochin? Do any of...
  9. CloneFly

    Pecking Order and Freaked Out Hen

    Hello all! I have a bit of an issue. Obviously, all flocks have a pecking order, and in mine the head chook is my BSL, Pinguino. She usually picks on Brigid, our biggest chicken (literally, and figuratively) who is supposed to be a Jersey Giant. Well, I've noticed a few bloody combs in the last...
  10. YellowRoseFarm

    Lavender Orpington rooster crosses

    Hi all, I ended up with 4 roosters from the Lavender Orpington bin at TSC and one of them is just such a sweet boy I'm thinking of keeping him. I have a mixed flock and I'm curious if anyone has any experience with crossing a LO rooster with any of the following: - white cochin - black cochin...
  11. oegrooroo

    Jersey Giant Roo?

    What do we think? 7-8 week old cockerel I’m going to be picking up that looks to me like a Black Jersey Giant. Any one agree/disagree?
  12. A

    Help Identify Breed.

    Hi, I do have a cockerel, possibly 8 or 9 weeks old now that was rescued in the mid of April and I thought I would ask the community help me guess or tell what kind of a breed he is. He is out growing every chicks in the my young flock. I am thinking between three different breeds, Jersey...
  13. Little Tala Bug

    Anyone in or near Scotland have Jersey Giants for sale?

    I have tried to get Jersey Giants twice in the last few months and have been bumped both times just days before pickup. The only breeders I have seen are way down south in England, so I have been relying on Gumtree and sheer luck. I would love to have a few of those big beautiful girls and...
  14. M

    Jersey Giants

    Good morning. I purchased two jersey giants from a straight run at TS. I did my best to sex them out and thought I picked pullets. Recently one has been sprouting more flamboyant tail feathers, and I *think* I heard crow attempts this morning for the first time. They are 12 weeks old, and I feel...
  15. okiechickees

    7 week old Jersey Giants gender?

    These babies are seven weeks old today! I've never had JGs before. Very small, flesh/black colored combs and no wattle growth but these upright tail feathers have me suspicious. Are these pullets or roos? Thanks for your help!
  16. D


    I’m from the island of Puerto Rico. I can say I’m pretty new to my own BYC. I got introduced to chickens thanks to neighbors and a special rooster caught my eyes. He was a very big barred mix that would pull out everything I planted as soon as I turned my back. I started much later when a chick...
  17. C

    Jersey Giant questions from beginner

    Does anyone have Jersey Giants? I am trying to decide if I would want Australorps or Jersey Giants. I have a lot of tick and bug infested land so I want a chicken that will help purge the bug population. Free ranging is the primary goal, at least during the day, so they need to forage pretty...
  18. Bigandlittles

    Love my small flock

    I have 5 chickens. A black Jersey giant hen, a bantam rooster. I wish someone could tell me exactly what kind of bantam rooster he is. I also hatched out an incubator some white silkies. I think 1 rooster and 2 hens. One of the hens look like a rooster. But not as much as the other rooster and...
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