chick 1 week

  1. R

    Please help!! My baby chick has been attacked by a dog

    Hi my chick has just been attacked by a dog she’s just over a week old it’s nipped her under her wing and just above her leg there was bleeding but I've managed to stop it I've put some antiseptic spray on her wound but I’m worried that’s not enough she walked after it happened she’s also...
  2. TattooedChickenPapa

    Really bad feathers on chick

    So we hatched five Serama chicks recently 🥳🥳🥳 All of them have really nice feathers except for one and I can't figure out what's wrong with them. The one with the problem is the chipmunk coloration, and then just for comparison's sake I included one of the others. The feathers seem to be...
  3. L

    1 Week Old Chick Sleeping and Unwell

    Hi! New to BYC. I have 8 baby chicks - 9 days old - and one of them is not doing as well. I'm hoping some of y'all may have advice or insight! - I noticed symptoms beginning yesterday morning (so this is day 2): primarily she seems very lethargic and is sleeping far more than the others...
  4. E

    attention seeking or sick? please help

    one of my chicks, a 3 day-ish old silver wyandotte, is acting really weird. She seems really sleepy and doesn't seem to like walking all that much, preferring to sit in one spot. She'll get up and eat or drink from what I can see, though, if in small amounts. But when I get worried and pick her...
  5. E

    Cleaning chicks

    K so. got chicks but they’re all a bit stupid. They seemed kinda weak so I gave them egg yolk like someone suggested, but they managed to get it on their fluff and started pecking at each other to get the yolk. Took the yolk away but they ended up losing fluff. 1. Will the fluff grow back? Will...
  6. Jordan01

    Pasty butt?

    I have a chick that I treated for pasty butt, she has poop around her butt agaib but not actually covering her vent. Should I remove it or just keep on eye on it and treat it if it actually covers the vent?
  7. Plushness

    Question of Concern: Chick Leaning When Laying Down

    I don't know how to best explain it, but the way I can explain it may give a good explanation as to what is happening to my baby chick. First off, I wish I had a pic, but as of writing, the chick seems to be standing just normally. Anyway, the chick in question looks to be growing their...
  8. Harvey 1 Week

    Harvey 1 Week

    Our wee Harvey when he is 1 week old.
  9. augustALIEN

    Supposedly Dominique Pullets ??

    Purchased at TSC about a month ago and one of them seems slightly different and lighter in color , different markings around eyes as well. Is it a roo? Or is it maybe a Plymouth Rock ? I included many photos from over the past month. You will see the one that I suspect is a roo or not a...
  10. S

    4 day old chick - itching problem?

    My chicks are ~4 days old and one is tucking her head under her body (almost biting at herself?) and running backwards. I checked her body and was unable to find anything that could cause this and her vent is clear. I've included a video of this behavior, but sometimes it is worse (lasts longer)...
  11. Red Egg

    Red's Flock Update 27/12/2021

    Hi all! It has been a while since I have posted anything on here and I think it is time to share an update on my feathered babies. First off, one of my chicks from my last post turned out to be a rooster. Since I can't keep roosters where I am he is now living out on my aunt's farm with all her...
  12. mixedchickenguy

    10 day old chick with soft bumps on head - Help!

    Short backstory: one of my mixed bantam hens hatched 4 chicks on 12/04, and one of them developed what look like little bubbles on its head. This chick's left wing also hasn't grown since it hatched, but I'm not as concerned about that since it acts like any other chick. The bumps are clear-ish...
  13. N

    New to raising and seeking help.

    I got 5 isa brown chicks and 1 rhode island red chicken on Sunday at 4-5 days old making them 8-9 days old today. I am concerned about 3 of my chicks. Two of my isa browns are shaking their heads a lot and I'm not sure if I should be concerned. My other concern is that my rhode island red chick...
  14. A

    Breed and sex guesses

    My Jersey went broody and I got her eggs to hatch. She is such a good mama. Pictures are her 4 babies- 5 days old today (4/18/21). Eggs came from roosters that could give the gene for blue copper marans. Mom could be golden, red, or silver wyandotte, barred rock or black astrolorps. Any idea...
  15. L

    Constipated Chick?

    I have a week old chick that I believe is constipated. It all started with me thinking she may be starting to get a prolapsed vent, but as I was treating her swollen vet as a prolapsed vent, I noticed she was struggling to have a bowel movement. She was straining while I was doing a warm epsom...
  16. L

    Week Old Chick with Swollen Vent

    Hi all! I am hoping to get so wisdom on what to do with a 6 day old chick with a swollen vent. Google has been no help and I’ve never dealt with this. This chick had mild pasty butt develop less than 24 hrs after I brought her home that I easily treated for 2 days with warm compresses...
  17. TheRoyalRoost

    Look at this FAAAAAACE

    Bantam calico Cochin ‘Poppy’
  18. LS chicklet.jpg

    LS chicklet.jpg

  19. CreeksideChicks


    Hi, I have 3 dozen young Serama that I’m donating. If you’re interested, post here or send me a private message.
  20. S

    Ameracauna female chicks for sale - SF Bay/San Jose NorCal Area

    Americauna chicks hatched July 8th, 2020. Sexed female and vaccinated for Mereks and coccidiosis by the hatchery. The Ameraucana is a pea comb, clean legged variety that originated in the U.S. Good disposition, non-aggressive & very cold hardy. Production quality, not for use in 4-H showing as...
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